
"reactor nuclear" in English

"reactor nuclear" in English
reactor nuclear{masculine}
En Finlandia se está construyendo un nuevo reactor nuclear.
A new nuclear reactor is currently under construction in Finland.
Tal vez se construya un reactor nuclear ruso en Belarús.
A Russian nuclear reactor will perhaps be constructed in Belarus.
Se trata de un reactor nuclear " CANDU " de diseño occidental.
It is a " CANDU " nuclear reactor of western design.
En Finlandia se está construyendo un nuevo reactor nuclear.
A new nuclear reactor is currently under construction in Finland.
Tal vez se construya un reactor nuclear ruso en Belarús.
A Russian nuclear reactor will perhaps be constructed in Belarus.
El reactor nuclear de Fukushima recibió el impacto de una combinación de catástrofes sin precedentes.
The nuclear reactor of Fukushima was hit by an unprecedented combination of catastrophes.
atomic pile{noun} [construct.]

Similar translations for "reactor nuclear" in English
Context examples for "reactor nuclear" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Todos los niños de Japón conocen las consecuencias de la fusión de un reactor nuclear.
Every child in Japan is aware of the consequences of nuclear meltdown.
En definitiva, la vida de un reactor nuclear se prolonga de esta manera, técnica y materialmente, por encima de los 40 años admitidos.
In principle, this means that the life-span of the plant and technology of a conventional nuclear power station is likely to be extended by a further 40 years.
En aquellas circunstancias, empezó a construirse con prisas una protección para el reactor nuclear alrededor de la unidad destruida, con el fin de detener la propagación de la radioactividad.
Around the destroyed unit a nuclear shelter was constructed hastily, given the conditions, to halt the spread of the pollution.
Se trata de una tecnología limpia cada vez más avanzada y segura; una vez instalado un reactor nuclear es capaz de asegurar un suministro de electricidad a bajo precio.
It is a clean technology which is constantly becoming more sophisticated and safer and once a nuclear power station is built it seems to provide cheap electricity.
Hemos de ser mucho más honestos y deberíamos admitir que en la UE nos hemos enfrentado a menudo con situaciones que rayaban la fusión del reactor nuclear en las centrales que tenemos operativas.
We must be much more honest and should admit that we in the European Union have frequently been confronted with situations verging on nuclear meltdown in the plants that we operate.