
"no contable" in English

"no contable" in English

Similar translations for "no contable" in English
Context examples for "no contable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Debe tenerse en cuenta que en esta forma de cálculo el valor contable no puede ser nunca igual a cero.
Please note that the book value will never reach zero under this calculation type.
El sistema contable no es seguro, los cambios en los registros financieros son imposibles de rastrear y el nuevo sistema no será mucho mejor.
The accounting system is not secure, changes in the financial records are untraceable, and the new system will be little better.
– Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, en la anterior legislatura se introdujo el euro como moneda contable (no en efectivo).
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, in the previous legislature, the Euro was established as scriptural (non-cash) money.
No es posible poner en entredicho un sistema contable que no puede cumplirse y ser capaz de garantizar que todo se ha gestionado correctamente.
One cannot both point to an accounting system which cannot be followed and be able to guarantee that everything has been managed correctly.
¿Por qué no otorga al contable el derecho de apelación en el caso de intentos para interferir en su trabajo, como ha hecho con el auditor interno?
Why do you not give the accounting officer a right of appeal against attempts at interference in his work, as you have to the internal auditor?
Por ejemplo, yo tuve un caso en el que tuvimos que abonar 30.000 euros por un informe de un perito contable y no se nos permitió recuperar el coste total del mismo.
I had one case, for instance, where we had to pay EUR 30 000 for a forensic accountant's report and where we were not allowed to recover the full cost of that report.
Pero, al mismo tiempo, las inversiones futuras no pueden emplearse para pagar el precio de un enfoque puramente contable que no tiene nada que ver con una buena política económica.
At the same time, however, future investments cannot be used to pay the price for a purely accounting approach that has nothing to do with good economic policy.
en nombre del Grupo EFD - Señor Presidente, lamento estar en desacuerdo pero, como contable experimentada, no comparto el optimismo de mis colegas en cuanto a la opinión de los auditores.
on behalf of the EFD Group. - Mr President, I am sorry to dissent, but as an experienced accountant, I do not share my colleagues' optimism about the opinion of the auditors.
Al contrario, es importante que la gestión financiera y la contabilidad se consideren tareas separadas, y que el contable no tenga que ver con la gestión de los recursos de los fondos.
On the contrary, it is important that financial management and accounting should be kept as separate tasks, and that the bookkeeper should not be involved in the management of funds ' resources.