
"to muck in" in Spanish

"to muck in" in Spanish
to muck in
poner el hombro
to muck in
echar una mano
to muck in
dar una mano

Similar translations for "to muck in" in Spanish
Context examples for "to muck in" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
how can they charge so much for this muck?
¿cómo se atreven a cobrar tanto por esta bazofia?
everyone else working and there she is like Lady Muck
todos trabajando y ella ahí de bacana
One Danish company spends ECU 25 million a year because of the muck that is sucked up into aircraft engines.
Una compañía danesa gasta anualmente 25 millones de ecus en eliminar la suciedad que se mete en los motores de sus aviones.
to be as common as muck
ser más basto que el papel de lija
trust John to muck it up
¡típico de John ir y fastidiarla!
where there's muck there's brass
con dinero baila el perro
trust John to muck it up
¡típico de John ir y embarrarla!
he acts like he's Lord Muck
se las da de mucha prosapia
I made a real muck of my exam
metí la pata en el examen
I made a real muck of my exam
la cagué en el examen
to be as common as muck
ser muy ordinario
to muck about
hacer el tonto
to muck in
poner el hombro
to muck in
echar una mano
to muck in
dar una mano