
"muchacha" in English

"muchacha" in English
una bella muchacha de rostro infantil
a beautiful girl with a childlike countenance
una bella muchacha de rostro infantil
a beautiful girl with a childlike face
creo que juzga usted mal a la muchacha
I think you're misjudging the girl
gal{noun} [coll.]
chick{noun} [slg.] (young woman)
lassie{noun} [poet.]
wench{noun} [arch.]

Context examples for "muchacha" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
le salió un chance con una muchacha del pueblo
he got involved with one of the village girls
una bella muchacha de rostro infantil
a beautiful girl with a childlike countenance
Tres hombres habían violado a la muchacha.
The child had been raped by three men.
una bella muchacha de rostro infantil
a beautiful girl with a childlike face
creo que juzga usted mal a la muchacha
I think you're misjudging the girl
una muchacha de tez trigueña
an olive-skinned girl
No puede ser, que se comporten como si en mayo la Comisión se hubiera topado repentinamente con este conocimiento igual que la muchacha virgen con el niño.
And what conclusions should they now draw? You cannot simply act as if the Commission suddenly received this knowledge in May like a bolt from the blue!