
"marasmo" in English

"marasmo" in English
marasmo{adjective masculine}
Señor Presidente, una vez más, Togo sigue todavía inmerso en un marasmo político.
Mr President, Togo is still in a state of political paralysis.
marasmus{noun} [med.] [tech.]
wasting{noun} [med.]
marasmo{adjective masculine}
wasting{adj.} [med.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "marasmo":
Context examples for "marasmo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Para hacer salir al país del marasmo en que se encuentra será necesario un aumento de la democratización y de la liberalización.
Further democratisation and liberalisation are needed to haul Albania out of the mire.
Con estrechos criterios neoliberales, con la lógica del beneficio y la competencia, las zonas de montaña están condenadas al marasmo y al abandono.
What with grim neo-liberal criteria and the profit and competition argument, mountain regions are condemned to stagnation and abandonment.
Son problemas y dificultades que, como es natural, conducen finalmente a las islas al marasmo social, al aislamiento, al retraso y a un declive general.
Problems and difficulties which, as is natural, ultimately bring the islands to a state of economic and social stagnation, isolation, developmental backwardness and more general downgrading.
Desde entonces, aunque los bien intencionados afirman que todo está camino de arreglarse, Togo sigue viviendo en un marasmo político del que está lejos de salir.
Since then, although some good souls have assured us that everything is working out nicely, Togo is still living in a political wasteland and it has a long way to go before it escapes from it.