
"lloviendo" in English

Sería absurdo negar que fuera está lloviendo.
It would be absurd to deny that it is raining outside.
ahora que está lloviendo se le ocurre salir
now that it's raining he wants to go out
está lloviendo a mares
it's raining cats and dogs
En dos días, ha llovido lo que suele llover en un mes.
In two days, as much rain fell as normally falls in one month.
empezó a llover pero paró casi enseguida
it started to rain but it stopped almost immediately
apenas nos habíamos puesto en camino cuando empezó a llover
no sooner had we set out than it began to rain
to hail down {vb} (stones, insults, blows)
to rain down {vb} (blows, bombs, curses)
¡Si, ciertamente, esto es la verdad que viene de Ti, haz que nos lluevan piedras del cielo, o inflígenos [algún otro] castigo doloroso!
If this be indeed truth from Thee, then rain down upon us stones from heaven or bring us grievous doom!
to roll in {vb} (arrive in large quantities)
llover(also: caer)
to shower {v.i.} (be sprayed)

Context examples for "lloviendo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sería absurdo negar que fuera está lloviendo.
It would be absurd to deny that it is raining outside.
ahora que está lloviendo se le ocurre salir
now that it's raining he wants to go out
hablar de Santa bárbara cuando ya está lloviendo
to remember sth when it is too late
estuvo lloviendo todo el santo día
it rained the whole blessed day
pronostican que va a seguir lloviendo
it's forecast to stay wet
seguía lloviendo a cántaros
the rain was still teeming down
está lloviendo a goterones
it's coming down in large drops
está lloviendo a cántaros
it's tipping it down outside
está lloviendo menos
the rain is beginning to let up
está lloviendo a mares
it's raining cats and dogs
está lloviendo a cántaros
it's bucketing down
está lloviendo a cántaros
it's bucketing