
"raining" in Spanish

"raining" in Spanish
It would be absurd to deny that it is raining outside.
Sería absurdo negar que fuera está lloviendo.
now that it's raining he wants to go out
ahora que está lloviendo se le ocurre salir
it's raining cats and dogs
está lloviendo a mares
In two days, as much rain fell as normally falls in one month.
En dos días, ha llovido lo que suele llover en un mes.
it started to rain but it stopped almost immediately
empezó a llover pero paró casi enseguida
no sooner had we set out than it began to rain
apenas nos habíamos puesto en camino cuando empezó a llover
Rain is a gift from God that must be managed in a responsible manner.
La lluvia es un regalo de Dios que debe gestionarse de forma responsable.
In spite of the rain, I went for a walk round the village market.
A pesar de la lluvia, me enviaron a dar una vuelta por el mercado del pueblo.
This rain during the last hours of my stay in Cuba may signify an advent.
Esta lluvia de las últimas horas de mi permanencia en Cuba puede
precipitation in the form of rain
precipitación pluvial
precipitation in the form of rain
precipitación pluvial

Synonyms (English) for "rain":
Context examples for "raining" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I believe that the only phrase he knows in Italian is [it is raining – damned government].
Yo creo que la única frase que sabe en italiano es aquella de .
the idea of going out when it's raining like this doesn't really appeal, does it?
con esta lluvia no apetece nada salir ¿verdad?
raining or call or email at the following:
raining, llama por teléfono o envía un e-mail a los siguientes contactos:
you don't feel like going out when it's raining like this, do you?
con esta lluvia no apetece nada salir ¿verdad?
it's an awful road, doubly so when it's raining
es una carretera pésima y es dos veces peor cuando llueve
now that it's raining he wants to go out
ahora que está lloviendo se le ocurre salir
we hadn't gone far when it started raining
al ratito de salir empezó a llover
it hasn't stopped raining all day
ha llovido ininterrumpidamente todo el día
is it raining? — no, just a few drops
¿llueve? — no, solo son cuatro gotas
it's actually stopped raining!
aunque parezca mentira, ha parado de llover
it's started raining
¡qué mala leche, se ha puesto a llover!
it hasn't stopped raining all day
no ha parado de llover en todo el día
we waited until it stopped raining
esperamos hasta que paró de llover
it still hasn't stopped raining
aún no ha parado de llover
Mr President, all of Parliament's frustration is now raining down on the Spanish Presidency, which has only just taken up office.
Señor Presidente, toda la frustración del Parlamento está cayendo de lleno sobre la Presidencia española, que acaba de asumir sus funciones.
it's raining cats and dogs
está lloviendo a mares
it's raining cats and dogs
caer chuzos de punta
it's raining on and off
llueve a rachas
boy, is it raining hard!
¡cómo llueve!
it started raining
se largó a llover