"liberalizar" in English
"liberalizar" in English
En lo que a mí respecta, la cuestión no es liberalizar o no.
To liberalise or not to liberalise, that is not the question as far as I am concerned.
Frente a esta situación, la política europea ha consistido en liberalizar el ferrocarril.
Faced with this situation, European policy has been to liberalise the railways.
La segunda manera es liberalizar el mercado del gas y la electricidad en la Unión Europea.
The second way is to liberalise the gas and power market in the European Union.
Hemos decidido liberalizar las telecomunicaciones.
We have decided to liberalize telecommunications.
Me temo más bien que si sigue así nos vamos a liberalizar a muerte.
On the contrary, I fear that if we continue to pursue this ambition we shall liberalize ourselves to death.
No se puede liberalizar sencillamente el comercio o impulsar la liberalización de las inversiones según el modelo de la OMC.
We cannot simply liberalize trade or pursue the liberalization of investment according in line with the WTO model.
liberalizar(also: desregularizar)
liberalizar(also: desregularse, desregular)
¿Vamos a liberalizar?
Are we going to deregulate?
liberalizar el transporte aéreo
to deregulate air fares and routes
Tampoco vemos la necesidad de privatizar, someter a la competencia o liberalizar los servicios postales.
Neither do we feel that there is any need or necessity to privatise, expose to competition or deregulate postal services.
Context examples for "liberalizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Todavía no se ha hecho todo por eliminar los obstáculos y liberalizar los servicios.
Not everything has yet been done to remove barriers and liberalise services.
Durante años se nos ha repetido que es preciso liberalizar la economía.
For years we have been told over and over that the economy must be liberalised.
Frente a esta situación, la política europea ha consistido en liberalizar el ferrocarril.
Faced with this situation, European policy has been to liberalise the railways.
La segunda manera es liberalizar el mercado del gas y la electricidad en la Unión Europea.
The second way is to liberalise the gas and power market in the European Union.
En todo el sector público, nos enfrentamos al mismo credo: hay que liberalizar, ¡es mágico!
Throughout the public sector the same refrain is heard: liberalise, it' s magic!
Permitirá reforzar la competencia y liberalizar los mercados laborales.
It will allow competition to be strengthened and the labour markets to be opened up.
Permitirá reforzar la competencia y liberalizar los mercados laborales.
Several decades have gone by but there is still no free movement of services in Europe.
Creemos que Vietnam debería liberalizar su política relativa a las minorías.
We think that Vietnam should liberalise its policy on minorities.
Si se introduce la Directiva, realmente logrará el objetivo de liberalizar los mercados.
If the directive is introduced, it will certainly achieve the aim of opening up the markets.
Quizá haya que concluir que hemos procedido a liberalizar sólo por liberalizar.
It may perhaps be concluded that what we have obtained is liberalisation for liberalisation's sake.
Quizá haya que concluir que hemos procedido a liberalizar sólo por liberalizar.
It may perhaps be concluded that what we have obtained is liberalisation for liberalisation' s sake.
Definitivamente, este tipo de seguridad contribuiría a liberalizar la situación interna de Rusia.
Such a sense of security would certainly liberalise the internal situation in Russia.
En lo que a mí respecta, la cuestión no es liberalizar o no.
Hence, the European Parliament must now also reject the Directive in its entirety.
Por eso las privatizaciones son decisivas para abrir y liberalizar esta economía incrustada.
That is why privatisations are crucial to break open and liberalise this encrusted economy.
La UE desea liberalizar el mercado interior de los servicios postales, pero no a cualquier precio.
The EU wants to open up the internal market for postal services, but not at any price.
– Nos oponemos de plano a esta propuesta de directiva destinada a liberalizar los servicios.
It is not a step forward, but a step backward for European integration.
¿Se va a liberalizar también el comercio de carne, leche y cereales?
Is there also a plan to liberalise trade in meat, milk and cereals?
Es, al fin y al cabo, el único sistema que ha logrado liberalizar realmente el comercio mundial.
It is, after all, the only system that has delivered real liberalisations of world trade.
En lo que a mí respecta, la cuestión no es liberalizar o no.
To liberalise or not to liberalise, that is not the question as far as I am concerned.
Digo además que en el momento actual no deberíamos liberalizar aún los servicios de practicaje.
I will say in addition that, at this time, we should not yet liberalise the pilot services.
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