
"incorrigible" in Spanish

"incorrigible" in Spanish
You truly are incorrigible.
por escrito. - (FR) Son ustedes realmente incorregibles.
If even MrPronk, who I know as an incorrigible go-getter and optimist, no longer sees a chance for the peace process, then it is really time for us to sound the alarm.
Si incluso el señorPronk, un buscavidas y optimista incorregible, ya no ve ninguna posibilidad para el proceso de paz, entonces de verdad es hora de que hagamos sonar la alarma.
If even Mr Pronk, who I know as an incorrigible go-getter and optimist, no longer sees a chance for the peace process, then it is really time for us to sound the alarm.
Si incluso el señor Pronk, un buscavidas y optimista incorregible, ya no ve ninguna posibilidad para el proceso de paz, entonces de verdad es hora de que hagamos sonar la alarma.
irrecuperable{adj.} (delincuente)

Context examples for "incorrigible" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lü had shown her true colours as an extremist and incorrigible agitator for the independence of Taiwan.
Lü ha mostrado su verdadera cara de partidaria extremista y empedernida de la independencia de Taiwán.