
"incontestably" in Spanish

"incontestably" in Spanish
As MrHatzidakis and the previous speakers have pointed out, however, the tanker was incontestably under the command of a local pilot at the time of the accident.
Hatzidakis y los oradores anteriores, el petrolero estaba indiscutiblemente bajo el mando de un piloto local en el momento del accidente.
As Mr Hatzidakis and the previous speakers have pointed out, however, the tanker was incontestably under the command of a local pilot at the time of the accident.
Hatzidakis y los oradores anteriores, el petrolero estaba indiscutiblemente bajo el mando de un piloto local en el momento del accidente.

Context examples for "incontestably" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is incontestably a power with which all the other economic zones need to compete.
¿Qué medidas piensa adoptar la Comisión a este respecto, señor Comisario?
It is incontestably a power with which all the other economic zones need to compete.
Sin duda se trata de una potencia con la que todas las demás zonas económicas necesitan competir.
Smokers incontestably run a greater risk of contracting lung cancer than non-smokers.
Los fumadores se exponen sin duda a un mayor riesgo de sufrir cáncer de pulmón que los no fumadores.
(DE) Smokers incontestably run a greater risk of contracting lung cancer than non-smokers.
(DE) Los fumadores se exponen sin duda a un mayor riesgo de sufrir cáncer de pulmón que los no fumadores.
However, the report lays bare the Commission's past errors, including the incontestably bad organization of its departments.
Ahora bien, el informe muestra claramente los errores pasados, incluida una indiscutible mala organización de los servicios.
Sarajevo, a multicultural city embodying a genuine model of tolerance, incontestably occupies a particular place in history and in European culture.
Sarajevo, una ciudad multicultural que encarna un verdadero modelo de tolerancia, ocupa sin lugar a dudas un lugar especial en la cultura y la historia europeas.