
"hundreds of" in Spanish

hundreds of{adjective}
quichicientos{adj.} [coll.]
there were hundreds of guests
había quichicientos invitados
sepetecientos{adj.} [coll.]
there were hundreds of guests
había sepetecientos invitados
tropecientos{adj.} [coll.]
there were hundreds of guests
había tropecientos invitados
enemil{adj.} [Col.] [coll.]

Similar translations for "hundreds of" in Spanish
Context examples for "hundreds of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They are accused of deliberately infecting hundreds of Libyan children with HIV.
Se les acusa de infectar deliberadamente a cientos de niños libios con el virus VIH.
It involves the legitimate and fair way of life of hundreds of modest families.
Se trata de un medio de vida, legítimo y justo, de centenares de familias modestas.
We have hundreds of people displaced from their normal places of work to come here.
Cientos de personas se desplazan de su lugar de trabajo habitual para venir aquí.
In Swedish waters alone, there are hundreds of discharges of this type every year.
Únicamente en aguas suecas se producen centenares de estos vertidos todos los años.
You will recall that many hundreds of migrants perished off the Libyan coast.
Recordarán que varios cientos de inmigrantes perecieron frente a las costas libias.
Seventeen years after the massacre, hundreds of bodies have yet to be identified.
Diecisiete años después de la masacre, cientos de cuerpos aún siguen sin identificar.
which became for many hundreds of years not only the ecclesiastical but also
lengua litúrgica paleoeslava, que, vino a ser durante largos siglos no sólo la
We have hundreds of young people who have been detained, sometimes even tortured.
Hay cientos de jóvenes que han sido detenidos, a veces incluso torturados.
The numbers are astounding - in the millions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands.
Las cifras son apabullantes: se trata de millones, no de miles o cientos de miles.
Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people are expected to be in Kiev tomorrow.
Se espera que haya cientos de miles, quizás millones, de personas en Kiev mañana.
Hundreds and hundreds of foreign reporters have searched for Chechens in Afghanistan.
Centenares de corresponsales extranjeros buscaron a los chechenos en el Afganistán.
Hundreds of people from her party have either disappeared or been imprisoned.
Cientos de personas de su partido han desaparecido o han sido encarceladas.
Hundreds of thousands of dissidents are oppressed or imprisoned in labour camps.
Cientos de miles de disidentes sufren opresión o están encarcelados en campos de trabajo.
However, hundreds of thousands of people have already done that before us.
Sin embargo, cientos de miles de personas ya lo han hecho antes que nosotros.
Italy has, for weeks, been targeted by hundreds of boats of illegal immigrants.
Durante semanas, Italia ha sido el destino de cientos de barcos de inmigrantes ilegales.
People are persecuted in their hundreds of thousands because of their religious beliefs.
Se está persiguiendo a cientos de miles de personas por sus creencias religiosas.
Hundreds of times over, we have done spot-checks and examined transactions.
Hemos realizado cientos de comprobaciones y hemos examinado numerosas transacciones.
Hundreds of thousands of families in the European Union, whose future depends on ...
Cientos de miles de familias de la Unión Europea cuyo futuro depende de...
Hundreds of thousands of people have been driven away or have fled in the face of rioting.
Cientos de miles de personas han sido expulsadas o han huido ante los disturbios.
Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs and people will take to the streets.
Cientos de miles de personas perderán sus puestos de trabajo y saldrán a la calle.