
"to forsake" in Spanish

"to forsake" in Spanish
to forsake{transitive verb}
This will not be done if we forsake these goals to promote inward-looking aims.
No se logrará, si renunciamos a esas metas para promover objetivos propios de una actitud introvertida.
At the same time, those who build the boats must agree to forsake their profit, and to earn only a minimal amount of money.
Asimismo, los que construyan barcos deben renunciar a los beneficios y obtener una ganacia mínima.
We have forsaken our values and therefore trampled on Christian values at its expense.
Hemos renunciado a nuestros valores, y, así, hemos pisoteado los valores cristianos sin reparo alguno.
We would have preferred to see you adopt an attitude like that of Jacques Delors, who forsook the leadership of the commune of Clichy before taking on the presidency of the Commission.
Fue una manera explícita de dejar claro que el gobierno de la Comisión no puede conjugarse con la participación en la política nacional.
We must not forget Africa, a continent which has been forsaken, not only by God, but also by Europe, nor our important contribution to cooperating with development.
No debemos olvidar a África, que es el continente absolutamente dejado de la mano no sólo de Dios, sino de Europa, ni nuestra importante contribución a la cooperación al desarrollo.
Come to adore the God who does not forsake those who seek him with a sincere heart and strive to keep his law.
Venid a adorar al Dios que no abandona a quienes lo buscan con sincero corazón y se esfuerzan en observar su ley.
Your Lord has not forsaken you (Muhammad), nor is displeased with you!
Tu Sustentador no te ha abandonado, ni desdeñado:
They said, "Have you come to us that we may serve Allah alone, and forsake what our fathers used to worship?
Respondieron: “¿Has venido a nosotros [a exigir] que adoremos sólo a Dios, y abandonemos todo aquello que solían adorar nuestros antepasados?
to forsake[forsook · forsaken] {transitive verb}
At the same time, those who build the boats must agree to forsake their profit, and to earn only a minimal amount of money.
Asimismo, los que construyan barcos deben renunciar a los beneficios y obtener una ganacia mínima.
I do not agree with harmonisation, however, if it means even one Member State having to forsake higher levels of consumer protection.
Sin embargo, no estoy de acuerdo con la armonización si implica que un Estado miembro, aunque se trate de uno sólo, tenga que renunciar a niveles más elevados de protección de los consumidores.
Or suggesting that the President of the European Parliament should forsake his right to vote; or, indeed, that Council has the right to determine Parliament's Rules of Procedure.
O sugerir que el Presidente del Parlamento Europeo debería renunciar a su derecho a votar o, de hecho, que el Consejo tiene el derecho a determinar el Reglamento del Parlamento.

Context examples for "to forsake" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sadly, I have to note that even one's fellows forsake one from time to time.
Además, he comprobado con gran pesar que nadie es profeta en su tierra.
forsake, even though the difficulties caused by today's secularized
del cual no le es lícito abdicar, aunque las dificultades derivadas
Perchance you forsake part of what is revealed to you, and your breast is straitened thereby, lest they should say, "Why is not a treasure sent down to him?
y por eso afirman: “¡[El propio Muhammad] ha inventado este [Qur’an]!
Do your prayers bid you that we should forsake what our fathers served, or that we should not do as we please with our own property?
¿Qué os parece?
Forsake the outer and inner (and the open and secret) sin, verily, those who earn sin shall be recompensed for what they have earned.
Pero abstenéos de pecar, sea abiertamente o en secreto --pues, ciertamente, quienes incurran en pecado serán retribuidos por lo que se han merecido.
This is a duty which no priest may ever forsake, even though the difficulties caused by today's secularized mentality can at times make it extremely demanding for him.
Es un cometido del cual no le es lícito abdicar, aunque las dificultades derivadas de la mentalidad secularizada a veces lo pueden hacer laborioso.
And be not like those who forgot (or forsook Allah), so He made them forget (or forsake) their own souls: these it is that are the transgressors.
y no seáis como aquellos que se olvidan de Dios, y entonces Él les hace olvidarse de [lo que es bueno para] sí mismos: [pues] son ellos, precisamente, los realmente depravados.