
"fiduciaria" in English

"fiduciaria" in English
fiduciaria{adjective feminine}
fiduciario{adjective masculine}
trustee{noun} (of money, property)
fiduciaria{adjective feminine}
trustee{noun} (of money, property)
fiduciario{adjective masculine}
trust{adj.} [fin.]
El programa MIM recibe apoyo de un Fondo Fiduciario de múltiples donantes.
The EIF programme is supported by a Multi-Donor Trust Fund.
Contribuciones recibidas >Donantes que apoyan el Fondo Fiduciario del MIM
Contributions received >Donors supporting the EIF Trust Fund
Se ha creado un fondo fiduciario para infraestructuras, incluidas aquellas que facilitan el comercio.
A trust fund for infrastructures, including those that facilitate trade, is already in place.
fiduciary{adj.} [fin.]

Context examples for "fiduciaria" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Informe sobre los preparativos para la introducción fiduciaria del euro
Report on the preparations for the introduction of euro notes and coins
institución fiduciaria depositaria
depository trust company
Por otra parte, se ha decidido que no existan monedas y billetes del mismo valor nominal para no sobrecargar la gestión de la masa fiduciaria.
It has also been decided not to have notes and coins with the same face value so as not to burden the management of the money supply.
De conformidad con el orden del día, se procede a la Comunicación de la Comisión relativa al informe sobre los preparativos para la introducción fiduciaria del euro.
The next item is the Commission communication on the report on preparations for the introduction of euro notes and coins.