
"feathers" in Spanish

"feathers" in Spanish
feathers(also: pens)
plumas{f pl}
the breeze riffled the feathers on her hat
la brisa acariciaba suavemente las plumas de su sombrero
a hideous hat, with ribbons and feathers
un adefesio de sombrero, con cintas y plumas
Mr Nicholson mentioned feathers.
Nicholson ha mencionado las plumas.
a feather floated past on the breeze
una pluma pasó flotando en la brisa
a feather wafted in on the breeze
una pluma entró flotando con la brisa
Mr Nicholson mentioned feathers.
El Sr. Nicholson ha mencionado las plumas.

Synonyms (English) for "feather":
Context examples for "feathers" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It would appear that our proposal has ruffled a few feathers!
Tengo la impresión de que nuestra propuesta ha encrespado las aguas.
In fact, it runs the risk of getting its feathers torn out!
¡De hecho, se arriesga a salir desplumada!
the breeze riffled the feathers on her hat
la brisa acariciaba suavemente las plumas de su sombrero
a hideous hat, with ribbons and feathers
un adefesio de sombrero, con cintas y plumas
the eiderdown is filled with feathers
el relleno del edredón es de pluma
small cockerel with black and white speckled feathers
gallo de la pasión
the peacock displayed its feathers
el pavo real desplegó la cola
she stuffed it with feathers
lo rellenó de plumas
When things go well, the feathers are immediately donned in the national cap, but when something goes wrong, the accusing finger is always pointed at Europe.
Cuando las cosas van bien, los tantos se apuntan de inmediato en el marcador nacional, pero cuando algo sale mal, el dedo acusador señala siempre a Europa.
Unfortunately, there are too many parties at the moment which have shed their ideological feathers and, as a result, display too little ambition and too much materialism.
Desgraciadamente, en este momento hay muchos partidos que se han quitado su máscara ideológica y muestran, por ello, muy pocos ideales y demasiado materialismo.