
"enriquecedor" in English

"enriquecedor" in English
Su regreso será tan enriquecedor como el que tuvo lugar el 1 de mayo de 2004.
Their return will be as enriching as that of other parts of Europe on 1 May 2004.
Por consiguiente, este debate ha sido para mí enormemente enriquecedor.
Consequently, this debate has been extremely enriching for me.
El intercambio cultural es naturalmente enriquecedor y es importante para aumentar el entendimiento entre los pueblos.
Cultural exchange is naturally enriching and is important in increasing understanding between people.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "enriquecedor":
Context examples for "enriquecedor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Su regreso será tan enriquecedor como el que tuvo lugar el 1 de mayo de 2004.
Their return will be as enriching as that of other parts of Europe on 1 May 2004.
. - Señor Presidente, creo que ha sido un debate muy enriquecedor.
Member of the Commission. - Mr President, I think this has been a very rich debate.
Por consiguiente, este debate ha sido para mí enormemente enriquecedor.
Consequently, this debate has been extremely enriching for me.
Mantendremos con ese motivo un intercambio, que espero enriquecedor, con la Presidenta del Parlamento.
I hope we will have a full exchange of views with the President of Parliament at that time.
El intercambio cultural es naturalmente enriquecedor y es importante para aumentar el entendimiento entre los pueblos.
Cultural exchange is naturally enriching and is important in increasing understanding between people.
Creo que en el debate tan enriquecedor que hemos tenido, esta reflexión está presente en los dos puntos de vista.
It is clear from the extremely productive debate which has ensued that this preoccupation applies to both sides.
Las preguntas son sólo indicativas, por lo que pueden ser añadidas otras, de modo que el diálogo sea vivo y enriquecedor.
The questions are only suggestions and others can be added so that the dialogue can be lively and enriching.
Señor Presidente, el informe sobre el ejercicio 1996 es muy enriquecedor, al igual que los informes de los años anteriores.
Mr President, the report on the 1996 budget exercise is extremely rewarding, as were the previous years' reports.
Señor Presidente, el informe sobre el ejercicio 1996 es muy enriquecedor, al igual que los informes de los años anteriores.
Mr President, the report on the 1996 budget exercise is extremely rewarding, as were the previous years ' reports.
Estoy convencido de que esto será mutuamente enriquecedor.
We have to encourage young people to reach out to other cultures, which I am convinced leads to each enriching the other.
Queda, por lo tanto, mucho por hacer, lo que también se puede aplicar al resto de los aspectos tratados en este enriquecedor debate.
So there is a great deal of work ahead of us, but that is equally true of the rest of the issues raised in this instructive debate.
Señor Presidente, estimado señor McMillan-Scott, Comisario Rehn, Señorías, muchas gracias por este debate tan interesante y enriquecedor.
Mr President, dear Mr McMillan-Scott, Commissioner Rehn, ladies and gentlemen, many thanks for this rich and interesting debate.
Existen límites sociales al crecimiento y a la medida en que podemos disfrutar algo, incluso si es tan enriquecedor y provechoso para nuestras vidas como viajar.
There are social limits to growth and to how much we can enjoy even something as life expanding and enhancing as travel.
Sé que la Presidencia británica pretende conceder a esas ONG el derecho a participar con voz, y creo que es positivo y enriquecedor para todos nosotros.
I have just come back from Lebanon, where we are working with the Prime Minister on his reform project, together with our action plan.
Sé que la Presidencia británica pretende conceder a esas ONG el derecho a participar con voz, y creo que es positivo y enriquecedor para todos nosotros.
I know that the British Presidency intends to give those NGOs the right to speak and I think that is very positive and enriching for all of us.
Me complace profundamente que este asunto haya sido elegido como una prioridad para la sesión plenaria de esta mañana y espero que suscite un debate vivo y enriquecedor.
I am delighted that this subject was chosen as the priority for this morning's plenary and I am looking forward to a rich and lively debate.
Quizá lo vemos más desde fuera que desde dentro, pero se complementan con nuestras dimensiones elementales de tipo personal, nacional, local y regional; es enriquecedor.
We perhaps see it more from the outside than the inside, but it is complementary to our basic personal, national, local, regional dimensions; it is enriching.
. - Señora Presidenta, este debate ha sido muy enriquecedor y quisiera simplemente destacar un par de puntos en respuesta a algunas preguntas.
Member of the Commission. - Madam President, this has been an extremely rich debate and I would just like to emphasise a couple of points in answer to some questions.
. - Señor Presidente, permítame unirme a aquellos que han dado las gracias a la señora Angelilli por haber iniciado hoy un debate tan enriquecedor.
Member of the Commission. - Mr President, let me first echo the sentiments of those who expressed thanks to Ms Angelilli for initiating a very rich debate this evening.
. - (FR) Señor Presidente, señoras y señores, naturalmente, quisiera expresar mi agradecimiento a todos los oradores por un debate sumamente enriquecedor e interesante.
Member of the Commission. - (FR) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I naturally wish to thank all the speakers for an extremely enriching and interesting debate.