
"divorciados" in English

"divorciados" in English
divorciados{adjective masculine plural}
divorciado{adjective masculine}
divorciados{adjective masculine plural}
sus padres están divorciados
her parents are divorced
sus padres están divorciados
his parents are divorced
todavía no están divorciados
they aren't divorced yet
divorcé{noun} [Amer.]
no me sorprendería que fuera divorciado
it would not surprise me to learn that he was a divorcé
Este informe demuestra, una vez más, que el eurofederalismo está divorciado de la realidad de los pueblos.
This report proves once again that Eurofederalism is divorced from the reality of the man in the street.
Sin embargo, todo me recuerda a un buen amigo mío que se ha casado en varias ocasiones a lo largo de su vida, y también se ha divorciado varias veces.
Yet it all reminds me of a close friend of mine who has been married several times in his life and has also filed for divorce several times.
grass widower{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
divorciado{adjective masculine}
le chocó la noticia de que se habían divorciado
it came as a real shock to him to hear that they had divorced
le chocó la noticia de que se habían divorciado
he was very shocked to hear that they had divorced
estoy mejor divorciado que en un matrimonio infeliz
I'm better off divorced than unhappily married

Context examples for "divorciados" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
sus padres están divorciados
her parents are divorced
todavía no están divorciados
they aren't divorced yet