
"degradada" in English

"degradada" in English
degradada{adjective feminine}
degradado{adjective masculine}
degradado{past participle}
degradada{adjective feminine}
queda degradada al congelar la grabación en un fotograma.
This results in degraded quality when freezing the image in recorded video.
se sentía degradada
she felt degraded
degradado{adjective masculine}
El ser humano ha sido degradado a ser un objeto, un material biológico.
Man would be degraded into an object, into biological material.
El régimen islámico ha degradado a las mujeres a seres humanos de segunda clase.
The Islamic regime has degraded women to second-class citizens.
De hecho, el Convenio relativo a los Derechos Humanos ha degradado los derechos de mis electores.
The Convention on Human Rights has degraded the rights of my constituents.
El Gobierno eslovaco ha degradado al Presidente de la Federación de la Policía y ha declarado unilateralmente que ya no reconoce a esa entidad como parte en la negociación.
The Slovak Government has demoted the President of the Police Federation and has unilaterally declared that it no longer recognises this body as a negotiating partner.
degradado{past participle}

Context examples for "degradada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
queda degradada al congelar la grabación en un fotograma.
This results in degraded quality when freezing the image in recorded video.
Por supuesto, cada región urbana degradada es un caso aparte.
Of course, every instance of a deprived urban area is a separate case.
Hay que evitar que nuestra montaña se vea invadida por los terrenos baldíos, degradada por las avalanchas y los corrimientos de tierras.
Our mountain regions must not be invaded by wasteland, or damaged by avalanches and landslides.
Una iniciativa de la UE sobre Chechenia fue derrotada y nuestra resolución sobre Zimbabwe quedó degradada en moción «sin acción».
An initiative from the EU on Chechnya was defeated and our resolution on Zimbabwe fell to a 'No Action' motion.
se sentía degradada
she felt degraded
Tienen que sentarse ante una mesa y negociar por fin, pero no debe tratarse solamente de una mera campaña de prensa para estabilizar la degradada imagen de este Gobierno.
They must sit down at one table and at last negotiate, but it has got to be more than just a PR exercise to refresh the damaged image of this government.
Me hubiera sentido degradada si mi condición profesional hubiera estado determinada no por mis conocimientos y capacidad intelectual, sino por alguna característica secundaria, como el género.
I would have felt demeaned if my professional status had been decided not by my knowledge and intellectual capacity, but by some secondary feature, such as gender.