
"defensiva" in English

"defensiva" in English
defensiva{adjective feminine}
defensivo{adjective masculine}
defensiva{adjective feminine}
Que traslade la prórroga de esta medida temporal y defensiva hasta el año 2003.
That he extend this temporary and defensive measure until 2003.
La gente se está poniendo a la defensiva en lo que respecta a la potencial erosión de sus lenguas.
People are becoming defensive about the potential erosion of their languages.
Putin tuvo que ponerse a la defensiva al enfrentarse a una Europa unida.
Putin was put on the defensive because of a united Europe.
defensivo{adjective masculine}
El informe tiene un tono muy defensivo.
The report is very defensive in tone.
Que traslade la prórroga de esta medida temporal y defensiva hasta el año 2003.
That he extend this temporary and defensive measure until 2003.
Un ejército defensivo, pues, no tenía ninguna tarea fuera del territorio del estado que lo había constituido.
So a country's defensive army did not have any tasks beyond the territory of the state that had established it.

Context examples for "defensiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Seguimos pensando que la UE no debe ser una verdadera alianza defensiva.
We continue to believe that the EU should not be an actual defence alliance.
Usted dice claramente en varios puntos que el objetivo es lograr una identidad defensiva.
You clearly state at a number of points that the goal is a defence identity.
En este terreno tenemos a la OTAN, que puede cumplir de maravilla esta tarea defensiva.
We have NATO for that, and it is perfectly well able to do the job.
Quienquiera que siga manteniendo una opinión a la defensiva está equivocado, a mi juicio.
Anyone who is still thinking defensively is wrong, in my opinion.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el señor Brok de que no debemos estar a la defensiva.
Lastly, how will it set out the chain of responsibility, including the chain of democratic responsibility?
Como políticos, no podemos adoptar una actitud defensiva.
Of course, as politicians we cannot just sit back and accept this.
Un debate sobre lo deseable o no de una industria defensiva europea nos plantea la dualidad de la cuestión.
A debate on the desirability of a European defence industry shows up the two-fold nature of this issue.
¿Pero acaso no es esta una muestra de una actitud defensiva?
But is this not really just the bunker mentality?
la experiencia la había hecho ponerse a la defensiva
the experience had thrown her onto the defensive
Señor Presidente, señor Presidente del Consejo, en vez de una Unión para el empleo nos van a dar una Unión defensiva.
Mr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, instead of an Employment Union we're getting a Defence Union.
Señor Presidente, señor Presidente del Consejo, en vez de una Unión para el empleo nos van a dar una Unión defensiva.
Mr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, instead of an Employment Union we 're getting a Defence Union.
En este asunto, la Unión Europea ha dejado, al fin, de estar a la defensiva en este terreno.
We have also adopted a more flexible approach towards geographical indications and even the environment, so as to facilitate the negotiations.
Una cooperación defensiva más activa dentro de la UE no se desarrollaría para reemplazar sino para complementar la OTAN.
A more active defence cooperation within the EU should be developed not as a replacement, but as a complement, for NATO.
Sin embargo, no debe responder de manera vacilante, tímida y defensiva, sino con rapidez, decisión y eficacia.
However, it should not respond hesitantly, half-heartedly and defensively. Instead it should take rapid, decisive and effective action.
Los problemas surgieron cuando la Unión Europea gestionó dichos acuerdos a la defensiva y en un tono algo apocado.
The problems have arisen when the European Union has handled these agreements somewhat defensively, adopting a somewhat deferential tone.
En quinto lugar, la postura defensiva de los países en desarrollo frente a los nuevos temas de negociación.
The discussions surrounding the access to the market in industrial products and services are at a standstill, as are those concerning the rules.
Nosotros, en Europa, hemos adoptado una política defensiva en materia de medio ambiente durante demasiado tiempo.
However, the real issue is, firstly, that we have to get some sort of agreement up and running and, secondly, that we have to move forward.
Se han escuchado repetidamente conceptos como los de identidad defensiva o de las misiones de tipo Petersberg que deberíamos cumplir.
There is repeated reference to concepts such as a defence identity, or the Petersberg missions that we are obliged to carry out.
El Comisario Lamy ha dicho que, en lo que respecta a la agricultura, se han reanudado las negociaciones y la Unión Europea ya no siempre está a la defensiva.
Much more than the United States, Europe needs multilateral bases in order to develop international trade.
adoptar una postura defensiva
to adopt a bunker mentality