
"declarar ilegal" in English

"declarar ilegal" in English
to outlaw{v.t.} (activity, product)

Context examples for "declarar ilegal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si hay diputados ausentes que no pueden exponer sus argumentos, los tribunales pueden declarar ilegal una votación.
Since that is sending the wrong message to the voters, it would be preferable if a regulation of that kind were to confine itself to preventing and penalising physical violence.
Si alguien quiere asegurarme a mí y yo estoy de acuerdo con aceptar las condiciones que ofrece, no corresponde al Estado interponerse y declarar ilegal nuestra transacción.
If you want to insure me and I am happy to accept the terms you offer, it is not for the State to come between us and declare our transaction illegal.
Por ello pido a la Comisión que se muestre valiente, que acepte la responsabilidad de declarar ilegal el escudo fiscal italiano y que permita gravar esos capitales.
I therefore call upon the Commission to be brave, to accept responsibility for declaring the Italian tax shield to be illegal, and to allow those capital sums to be taxed.