"crystalline" in Spanish
"crystalline" in Spanish
crystalline(also: bright, clear, crystal-clear, flimsy)
Limit values should be based on scientific evidence, and I would urge the EU Scientific Committee to examine crystalline silica as a matter of priority.
Los valores límite deberían basarse en pruebas científicas e instaría al Comité Científico de la UE a que examine el ácido silícico cristalino de forma prioritaria.
Synonyms (English) for "crystalline":
Context examples for "crystalline" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If action is to be effective, principles must be thought through with crystalline clarity.
Si la acción tiene que ser eficaz, los principios tienen que concebirse con claridad meridiana.
If action is to be effective, principles must be thought through with crystalline clarity.
Lo que falta en esta lista es la responsabilidad social empresarial, que las propias empresas tienen que asumir.
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