
"con reservas" in English

"con reservas" in English
con reservas{adjective}
qualified{adj.} (limited)
Por eso puedo apoyar con reservas la idea de un censo europeo.
For this reason, I can give qualified support to the idea of a European census.
En cuanto al 48 % restante, dan una opinión con reservas.
For the remaining 48%, they give a qualified opinion.
Esta es la primera vez que el Tribunal emite una opinión con reservas y no una opinión negativa.
This is the first time the Court gives a qualified opinion and not an adverse one.

Similar translations for "con reservas" in English
Context examples for "con reservas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Con estas reservas votamos, no obstante, a favor del informe en su totalidad.
With these reservations we shall, however, vote for the report in its entirety.
En este sentido, contar con reservas es un asunto de seguridad nacional fundamental.
In this respect the possession of reserves is a matter of basic national security.
Por lo tanto, he votado a favor del informe, con las reservas que he mencionado.
I therefore voted in favour of the report, with the reservations that I have mentioned.
Con estas reservas, he votado a favor del informe de la Sra. García-Orcoyen Tormo.
With these reservations, I voted in favour of the report by Mrs García-Orcoyen Tormo.
Para terminar, mi Grupo tiene importantes reservas con respecto a este informe.
To conclude, my group has significant reservations regarding this report.
Andria, con esas tres pequeñas reservas.
I welcome much of Mr Andria's report, with those three minor reservations.
No obstante, tengo mis reservas con respecto a las exigencias más extremas del informe.
I do have some reservations, however, about the report’s more extreme demands.
Me gustaría que este proyecto tuviera éxito, aunque lo digo con dos reservas.
I would like it to be a successful project. I say this, however, with two reservations.
A pesar de que he votado a favor, lo he hecho con graves y serias reservas.
Even though I voted in favour, I voted with grave and serious reservations.
Por ello hemos apoyado el Acuerdo interinstitucional, aunque con ciertas reservas.
This is why we have endorsed the Interinstitutional Agreement, albeit with reservations.
Señor Presidente, coincido sin reservas con las observaciones finales de la Sra.
Mr President, I agree entirely with Mrs Roth-Behrendt's final remarks.
Nuestras reservas con respecto a otras enmiendas se deben a una serie de factores.
Commissioner, you recently visited Northern Ireland and came to Belfast.
Señor Presidente, he votado a favor de este informe, aunque con muchas reservas.
Mr President, I voted for this report but with great reservations.
Aún con estas observaciones y reservas he votado a favor del informe.
Notwithstanding these observations and reservations, I voted for the report.
(CS) Señora Presidenta, me satisface este informe, pero con dos reservas.
(CS) Madam President, I welcome this report with just two reservations.
Sin embargo, tenemos ciertas reservas con respecto al acuerdo de readmisión.
However, we have some reservations on the agreement on readmission.
Con estas reservas, aunque apoyo la ampliación, debemos tener cuidado con estos aspectos.
With those reservations, much as I support enlargement, we must be careful how we do it.
Ahora nos enfrentamos con el problema de qué hacer con las enormes reservas acumuladas.
Now we have to deal with the problem of what to do with the enormous reserves accumulated.
Esta es la primera vez que el Tribunal emite una opinión con reservas y no una opinión negativa.
This is the first time the Court gives a qualified opinion and not an adverse one.
De ahí que vote sin reservas y con entusiasmo a favor del informe.
I will therefore be voting unreservedly and enthusiastically for her report.