
"con descaro" in English

"con descaro" in English

Similar translations for "con descaro" in English
Context examples for "con descaro" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El artículo 28, que obliga a todos los Estados miembros a garantizar el libre comercio, se está incumpliendo con bastante descaro.
Article 28 obliges every Member State to guarantee free trade, and this article is being quite openly breached.
tergiversan los hechos con un descaro
they misrepresent the facts so blatantly
Es escandaloso el descaro con que Irán incumple las convenciones internacionales, de las que es signatario, y que prohíben rotundamente esas medidas.
It is outrageous that Iran should breach international conventions, to which it is a signatory, and which categorically prohibit such measures, in such a blatant manner.
El Presidente Bush menciona con absoluto descaro el honor y los principios morales y apela a Dios, cuando ha tomado más inhumana e inexcusable de las decisiones.
President Bush brazenly refers to notions of honour and moral principles and appeals to God, when he has taken the most inhumane and inexcusable of decisions.
Y será de justicia, pues sabido es con qué descaro, e incluso desprecio de los Tratados, afirman los eurócratas de toda laña que se respetan los criterios de convergencia.
And justice will be served, for we know the disregard for, or even scorn of, the treaties with which Eurocrats from all quarters claim that the convergence criteria are being satisfied.
A la luz de la crisis económica y financiera, hemos observado los peligros que plantean ciertos instrumentos financieros que los mercados usan con descaro, sin reglas ni restricciones.
In the light of the financial and economic crisis, we have observed the dangers posed by certain financial instruments that are shamelessly used by the markets without any rules or restrictions.