
"clumsily" in Spanish


Context examples for "clumsily" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
his resignation was handled very clumsily
hubo gran desprolijidad en el manejo de su renuncia
The aims which are defined in the charter of the European Central Bank are one-sided and somewhat clumsily phrased.
Los objetivos que fija el estatuto del Banco Central Europeo son unilaterales y están formulados con un poco de torpeza.
To be honest, it is now forcing its partners to compete with each other, rather clumsily perhaps, but with good reason.
Para ser francos, está obligando ahora a sus socios a competir entre ellos, de una manera más bien torpe quizás, pero razonable.
she excused herself clumsily
se disculpó de manera torpe