
"capote" in English

"capote" in English
el torero gallardeaba envuelto en su capote de paseo
the bullfighter looked majestic in his cape
capote de paseo
ornate cape used in the opening ceremony of a bullfight
capote de brega
short cape used in the early stages of a bullfight
el torero gallardeaba envuelto en su capote de paseo
the bullfighter looked majestic in his cape
capote de paseo
ornate cape used in the opening ceremony of a bullfight
capote de brega
short cape used in the early stages of a bullfight
capote(also: manto)
bonnet{noun} [autom.] [Brit.]
hood{noun} [autom.] [Amer.]
gangbang{noun} [slg.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "capote":
Context examples for "capote" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el torero gallardeaba envuelto en su capote de paseo
the bullfighter looked majestic in his cape
¿Capote inesperado de un oponente?
Unexpected support from an opponent?
capote de paseo
ornate cape used in the opening ceremony of a bullfight
capote de brega
short cape used in the early stages of a bullfight
el toro no entraba al capote
the bull wouldn't charge at the cape
Harbour tiene probablemente alguna experiencia naval y sabe que, cuando un barco no lleva peso ninguno, lo más fácil es que el barco capote, que caiga de lado y se hunda por otras razones.
Mr Harbour probably has some naval experience and he knows that, when a ship carries no weight, the easiest thing is for the ship to capsize and sink for other reasons.