
"calmada" in English

"calmada" in English
calmada{adjective feminine}
calmado{adjective masculine}
calmado{past participle}
calmada{adjective feminine}
calmado{adjective masculine}
Lo principal es que garanticemos la estabilidad y el orden público y, aunque la situación en general se ha calmado, la violencia continúa.
Most importantly, we have to ensure stability and public order, and while the situation has generally calmed down, violence continues.
Como ha indicado la Alta Representante, el estallido de violencia étnica en el sur de Kirguistán ya se ha calmado y la fase humanitaria casi ha finalizado.
As the High Representative reported, the eruption of ethnic violence in the south of Kyrgyzstan has now calmed down and the humanitarian phase is largely over.
Señor Presidente, ha actuado usted correctamente, ha actuado con dignidad y ha calmado finalmente la situación, permitiendo que la votación se efectuara, que era de lo que se trataba.
Mr President, you were quite correct, you acted with dignity and finally calmed the situation down, and allowed the vote to be taken, which was what this was all about.
calmado(also: calmo)
calm{adj.} (not excited)
(DE) Señor Presidente, señor Vicepresidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, ciertamente estamos teniendo un debate muy calmado esta mañana.
(DE) Mr President, Mr Vice-President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, this is indeed a very calm discussion this morning.
Estamos en medio de una campaña electoral, pero el panorama está algo más calmado para ustedes en estos momentos.
We are in the middle of an election campaign but things are a bit calmer for you now.
La liberación de reservas ha mejorado la situación del suministro y ha calmado el mercado y los precios.
The release of stocks has improved the supply situation and had a calming effect on the market and on prices.
calmado{past participle}

Context examples for "calmada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Guy-Quint, quiero felicitarle por haber sido capaz de hablar de forma calmada y clara en medio de este ruido.
Mrs Guy-Quint, I would congratulate you on having managed to speak calmly and clearly amid this hullabaloo.
Debemos hacerlo de forma calmada y sin prisas, con el fin de que todo sea correcto en términos presupuestarios y jurídicos.
We ought to do that calmly and unhurriedly, in order to get everything right in budgetary and legal terms.
Es evidente que le interesaba más tener una vida calmada y no molestar a la Presidencia húngara que tener una ley sobre los medios de comunicación verdaderamente democrática.
You were clearly more interested in a quiet life and in not disturbing the Hungarian Presidency than in a truly democratic media law.
Cada orador ha explicado su postura de forma calmada y resuelta, y yo no quiero utilizar todo el tiempo del que dispongo por miedo a repetir lo que ya se ha dicho.
Each speaker has explained his position calmly and resolutely, and, indeed, I do not even want to use all the time available to me for fear of repeating what has already been said.