
"cajoling" in Spanish

"cajoling" in Spanish
to cajole{transitive verb}
I salute the efforts of Commissioner Frattini and of the Finnish Presidency in trying to coax and cajole the Member States forward.
Saludo los esfuerzos del Comisario Frattini y de la Presidencia finlandesa por seguir intentando convencer y engatusar a los Estados miembros.
Rather than accepting a mild rebuke, the EU establishment went into overdrive, cajoling and threatening the various signatories in an attempt to prevent the motion from seeing the light of day.
En lugar de aceptar una leve reprimenda, el de la UE se puso a engatusar y a amenazar a todo trapo a los signatarios para intentar evitar que esta moción viese la luz del día.

Context examples for "cajoling" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It involves the search for compromises through conversations and long lunches and, if necessary, a bit of gentle cajoling in the interests of achieving a result.
Conlleva la búsqueda de acuerdos a través de conversaciones y largos almuerzos y, si es necesario, un poco de engatusamiento delicado en aras de alcanzar un resultado.