
"barco pesquero" in English

"barco pesquero" in English
barco pesquero{masculine}
En el principal centro de inspección de la pesca hay una gran pantalla en la que docenas de pequeñas luces indican la posición de cada barco pesquero en el Mar del Norte y la costa escocesa.
In the main fisheries inspection centre there is a large screen on which dozens of tiny lights indicate the position of each fishing boat in the North Sea and around the Scottish coast.
En esa ocasión, por lo visto, era más importante salvar la pesca que salvarles la vida a aquellas personas desesperadas; el barco pesquero que los encontró no los acogió a bordo.
In that instance, saving the fish seems to have been more important than saving the lives of those desperate people: they were not taken on board the fishing vessel that came across them.

Similar translations for "barco pesquero" in English
Context examples for "barco pesquero" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En esa ocasión, por lo visto, era más importante salvar la pesca que salvarles la vida a aquellas personas desesperadas; el barco pesquero que los encontró no los acogió a bordo.
In that instance, saving the fish seems to have been more important than saving the lives of those desperate people: they were not taken on board the fishing vessel that came across them.
En el principal centro de inspección de la pesca hay una gran pantalla en la que docenas de pequeñas luces indican la posición de cada barco pesquero en el Mar del Norte y la costa escocesa.
In the main fisheries inspection centre there is a large screen on which dozens of tiny lights indicate the position of each fishing boat in the North Sea and around the Scottish coast.