
"atalaya" in English

Yo le propondría la complicidad del Parlamento para que haga unas hojas, muy pocas, sobre qué es lo que el Comisario, desde su atalaya, considera que debe introducirse en el Tratado Constitucional.
I would propose that Parliament become involved and produce a few lines on what the Commissioner, from his vantage point, believes should be introduced in the Constitutional Treaty.

Context examples for "atalaya" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los días de la conferencia de Bandung, que era una atalaya de la liberación, parecen datar de hace muchos siglos, pues lo que tenemos ahora es un régimen de represión.
The days of the Bandung Conference, which was a watchword for liberation, seem like many centuries ago, because what we have now is a repressive regime.
Yo le propondría la complicidad del Parlamento para que haga unas hojas, muy pocas, sobre qué es lo que el Comisario, desde su atalaya, considera que debe introducirse en el Tratado Constitucional.
I would propose that Parliament become involved and produce a few lines on what the Commissioner, from his vantage point, believes should be introduced in the Constitutional Treaty.