
"amargamente" in English

"amargamente" in English
La Presidencia francesa del Consejo antes y durante las negociaciones me ha defraudado amargamente.
I was bitterly disappointed by the French Presidency of the Council before and during the negotiations.
Hemos decepcionado amargamente las esperanzas de las personas y no hemos sabido aprovechar su voluntad de mirar al futuro.
We have bitterly disappointed people's hopes and have failed to harness their willingness to look to the future.
Stevenson se ha quejado amargamente de que estemos tratando sobre algo que ya está en vigor.
My colleague Mr Stevenson has been complaining bitterly about the fact that we are dealing with something that is already in effect.

Context examples for "amargamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Corea del Sur ha podido comprender esto amargamente en las últimas semanas.
That is something that South Korea has had to learn by bitter experience in recent weeks.
Pero quien pensase que el Consejo lo iba a apoyar decididamente se ha visto amargamente defraudado.
But anyone thinking that the Council would be actively supporting that programme is in for a disappointment.
Tomo nota amargamente del hecho de que hoy no quisiera estar aquí presente y contestar a nuestra pregunta.
I note with some bitterness that the Council did not choose to attend today and reply to our oral question.
Sólo entonces entendí, amargamente, las penurias que causaban mi humo y el de otros fumadores.
Then, if not before, I painfully learned the cost in terms of suffering of the smoke produced by myself and all smokers.
No demos coartadas a los adversarios de la democracia y la laicidad en este país, porque podríamos arrepentirnos amargamente.
Let us give the green light now to the opening of negotiations with Turkey, not grudgingly, but with enthusiasm.
Lo reconoce amargamente el salmista: “Mira, en la culpa nací, pecador me concibió mi madre” (Sal 51,7).
With bitterness the Psalmist recognises this: “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Ps 51,7).
Dentro de la Unión hemos pagado amargamente no haber hablado con una sola voz en las rondas de comercio mundial.
We in the European Union have paid dearly for our failure to speak with one voice during the rounds of world trade negotiations.
De forma sutil y muy precisa esta frase expresa qué ha sido de hecho de la obra reformadora, tan amargamente necesaria y tan pomposamente anunciada.
His incisive comment accurately reflects what became of the desperately needed and much-heralded project of reform.
A pesar de que hace decenios que se viene anunciando la prosperidad, nuestros pueblos constatan amargamente un crecimiento del paro y de la pobreza.
Whilst we have been told for decades that prosperity abounds, our peoples note with bitterness the continuing encroachment of unemployment and poverty.
Después hubo cambios de régimen y quienes cometieron esas violaciones de los derechos humanos y actos de represión lamentaron amargamente haber elegido el bando equivocado.
According to the Iranian authorities, though, it would seem that in the last two years all capital punishment of minors has been suspended.
Si no quiere decepcionar amargamente al resto del mundo, Europa debe jugar las bazas que tiene en la mano -y que son numerosas- dondequiera que cuente con ellas.
If it does not want to be a bitter disappointment to the rest of the world, Europe must play every card it has in its hand - and it has many - in every part of the world where it has any influence.
Es absolutamente fundamental llegar a esos acuerdos en una Europa que no existe como realidad de seguridad y de defensa y que todos los días se queja amargamente de su inexistencia.
It is absolutely crucial that these agreements are concluded in a Europe of security and defence that does not, in reality, exist and whose absence we complain about on a daily basis.
Sabemos que la forma de energía más barata es el ahorro y si alguien pensaba que, por ello, se iba a obtener mucho dinero para este programa, se ha visto de nuevo amargamente defraudado.
However, we now know that the very cheapest form of energy is energy saving, but anyone who thinks that this will mean plenty of money for the SAVE programme is in for another major disappointment.