
"al parecer" in English

"al parecer" in English
al parecer{adverb}
Al parecer, hay unos cuantos miles de reclamaciones y algunas de ellas no son válidas.
Apparently there are a few thousand complaints, and of these some are not valid.
Al parecer, estos programas deben financiarse con los recursos actuales.
Apparently, they are to be financed from current resources.
Al parecer, los japoneses tienen más reservas que los surcoreanos.
Apparently the Japanese are more reserved than the South Koreans.
Hemos hablado de hacerlo, pero, al parecer, sin conseguirlo aún.
We have talked about doing it but seemingly not done so yet.
Al parecer la palabra "trombina" y la frase "carne reconstituida" han sido mostradas con claridad.
The word 'thrombin' and the phrase 'reconstituted meat' have seemingly been clearly shown.
Y, sin embargo, algunos siguen haciendo la vista gorda, no queriendo, al parecer, tener en cuenta las pruebas presentadas.
Yet still some turn a blind eye, seemingly not wanting to take account of the evidence presented.

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Context examples for "al parecer" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Al parecer no existen plazas suficientes en la mesa del banquete del género humano.
There would seem not to be enough room at the banqueting table of the human race.
Algunas cosas, al parecer, no se habían organizado con absoluta perfección.
There were a few things that appeared not to be organised absolutely perfectly.
Al parecer, la causa radical del tráfico de órganos humanos es su valor de mercado.
It appears that the root cause of trafficking in human organs is their market value.
Al parecer, mientras más intensivo era el programa mayor fue el efecto del tratamiento.
It seemed that the more intensive the programme the greater the treatment effect.
Al parecer, el objetivo es, sobre todo, presionar a los países recalcitrantes.
Its intention, it seems, is above all to exert pressure on the recalcitrant countries.
Una situación que, al parecer, carece de toda lógica y que está repleta de paradojas.
The situation appears to be far removed from any logic and full of paradoxes.
Al parecer parte del problema es resultado de la desaparición del Telón de Acero.
It seems that part of the problem arises as a result of the raising of the Iron Curtain.
Al parecer, lo único que está dispuesto a oír es la amenaza de sanciones.
It seems the only thing they are willing to listen to is the threat of fines.
Al parecer, se espera mucho de la participación de las personas en la sociedad.
There seems to be a huge expectation that individuals should be participating in society.
Según la prensa, mi país es, al parecer, uno de los blancos directos de este informe.
According to the media, my country would be one of the direct targets of this report.
Ya sé que, al parecer, esto sería ir en contra de los dogmas del sacrosanto liberalismo.
I know that this seems to run counter to the sacred dogmas of economic liberalism.
Al parecer tenemos demasiadas estrategias y una falta de interés en hacerlas realidad.
It seems we have too many strategies and a lack of interest in making them a reality.
Al parecer soy una voz solitaria en esta parte del debate, pero continuaré.
In this part of the debate I seem to be a voice in the wilderness, but I will carry on.
Fatuzzo no se encuentre hoy aquí; al parecer, me corresponde sustituirle.
I am sorry that Mr Fatuzzo is not here today - I seem to be standing in for him.
Pero, al parecer, esta disposición sería contraria al Tratado de Amsterdam.
However, it would seem that such a provision would be contrary to the Amsterdam Treaty.
Pero, al parecer, el PPE y otros de ahí enfrente, está claro que no lo quieren.
But the EPP it seems, and others opposite, clearly do not want that.
. – Al parecer, los dirigentes europeos están preocupados por la inmigración clandestina.
It would seem that European leaders are concerned about illegal immigration.
Al parecer, la mayoría de esos países siguen la línea de los Estados Unidos.
It appears that most of those third countries are following the line of the United States.
Al parecer ha desaparecido de nuestro lenguaje, aunque figura en el Tratado de Roma.
It seems to have disappeared from our language, although it features in the Treaty of Rome.
Al parecer, la Comisión ha mejorado la forma en que ejecuta los programas.
The Commission seems to have improved the way it implements programmes.