
"adoctrinar" in English

"adoctrinar" in English
No se trata de adoctrinar.
Not with the intention to indoctrinate.
El terrorismo no tiene fronteras y el área de Schengen ofrece la cuna perfecta para reclutar, adoctrinar y llevar a cabo las preparaciones logísticas para los atentados.
Terrorism has no borders, and the Schengen area offers it the perfect cradle in which to recruit, indoctrinate and make the logistical preparations for attacks.
Adoctrinados por viejos resabiados y celebridades de la televisión, creyeron que, como decimos en el Reino Unido, el futuro es luminoso, el futuro es naranja.
Indoctrinated by old adverts and TV celebrity, they believed that, as we say in the UK, the future is bright, the future is orange.

Context examples for "adoctrinar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se trata de adoctrinar.
Not with the intention to indoctrinate.
Ese diálogo debe ser abierto, debe ser objetivo, no se trata de adoctrinar o hacer propaganda, sino de comunicar e informar.
The dialogue must be open and objective, and should not degenerate into indoctrination and propaganda but should comprise communication and information.
El terrorismo no tiene fronteras y el área de Schengen ofrece la cuna perfecta para reclutar, adoctrinar y llevar a cabo las preparaciones logísticas para los atentados.
Terrorism has no borders, and the Schengen area offers it the perfect cradle in which to recruit, indoctrinate and make the logistical preparations for attacks.