
"socias" in English

"socias" in English
socias{feminine plural}
socias{feminine plural}
borrower{noun} (from library)
socia(also: socio)
member{noun} (of club)
socia fundadora
founding member
socia fundadora
founder member
partner{noun} [bus.]
La Unión Europea no puede ser socia de una Belarús que no respeta ni a sus propios nacionales ni el Derecho internacional.
The European Union cannot be the partner of a Belarus which does not respect either its own nationals or international law.
Además, algún día la Unión se convertirá en accionista o en socia del Banco, de manera que podamos ajustar los aspectos intergubernamentales y los aspectos comunitarios.
Moreover, one day, the Union will have to become a shareholder or partner of the Bank so that the intergovernmental and the Community aspects can be aligned.
whore{noun} [pej.]

Context examples for "socias" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el año pasado 20 personas se hicieron socias del club
the club enrolled 20 new members last year
el año pasado 20 personas se hicieron socias del club
the club enroled 20 new members last year
a las mujeres no se las admitía como socias
women were excluded from membership