
"social conscience" in Spanish

"social conscience" in Spanish
The Council has shown no signs of a social conscience in this matter.
El consejo no ha puesto al día la conciencia social.
They have a social conscience and favour enlargement.
Tienen conciencia social y están a favor de la ampliación.
I want to point out that there is a difference between a social conscience and a socialist conscience.
Quiero destacar que existe una diferencia entre la conciencia social y la conciencia socialista.

Similar translations for "social conscience" in Spanish
Context examples for "social conscience" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What is needed is a serious and worldwide examination of conscience regarding social justice and basic human solidarity.
Se precisa un examen de conciencia serio y a escala mundial sobre la justicia social y la solidaridad humana básica.
What is needed is a serious and worldwide examination of conscience regarding social justice and basic human solidarity.
En este sentido, la participación de la mujer en el establecimiento de los indicadores de pobreza es un requisito previo fundamental.
Racial hatred and class hatred are only two varieties of the same thing - hatred - which devastates the human conscience and social relations.
El odio racial y el odio de clase son simplemente dos variantes de lo mismo -odio-, que devasta la conciencia humana y las relaciones sociales.
If Europe is to be able to succeed in extending its influence to the rest of the world, its social conscience must not be allowed to slumber.
Hoy, cuando ese complejo proyecto político ha avanzado enormemente, no debemos permitir que precisamente este sector estratégico sea desmantelado permaneciendo en silencio.