
"sand sea" in Spanish

"sand sea" in English

Context examples for "sand sea" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Forthcoming: Guest Lectures in Leeds (UK) - Sun, Sea, Sand and Silicone 19 November 2009.
Taller RMSU sobre “Conservación preventiva y mantenimiento” 21 - 23 noviembre 2009.
Forthcoming: Guest Lectures in Leeds (UK) - Sun, Sea, Sand and Silicone 19 November 2009.
Próximamente: Conferencias abiertas en Leeds (Reino Unido) "Sol, mar, arena y silicona" 19 November 2009.
As the late, great Jimi Hendrix once said, castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually.
Y como el gran Jimi Hendrix dijo una vez, los castillos de arena al final siempre acaba en deshaciéndose en el mar.
For decades, the Mediterranean destinations have provided, along with other attractions, the traditional sun, sand and sea product, essentially for the North and Eastern European markets.
Durante décadas, los destinos del Mediterráneo han ofrecido, entre otras cosas, el producto tradicional de sol y playa, especialmente a los mercados de la Europa Septentrional y del Este.