
"sancionable" in English

"sancionable" in English
En cualquier caso, ¿por qué constituye un delito sancionable que alguien hable en su lengua materna?
In any case, why is it a punishable offence for someone to speak in their mother tongue?
Las falsificaciones y la piratería constituyen delitos claramente sancionables.
Forgeries and piracy are clearly punishable offences.
Si no se hace en algunos Estados miembros, bien, pero es un delito sancionable en otros.
If it is not done in some Member States, fine, but it is a punishable offence in a number of others.

Context examples for "sancionable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Las directrices de la OCDE para las empresas multinacionales deben quedar incorporadas de manera vinculante y sancionable en el acuerdo.
The OECD Code of Conduct for multinationals must be incorporated into the agreement in such a way that it is binding and enforceable.