
"Rhodesia" in Spanish

"Rhodesia" in English
{proper noun}
. – Ladies and gentlemen, Zimbabwe is the former Southern Rhodesia.
. – Señorías, Zimbabue es la antigua Rodesia del Sur.
They never wrote of the people of Rhodesia having to go hungry.
Nunca escribían sobre el hambre que tenía que pasar el pueblo de Rodesia.
. – Ladies and gentlemen, Zimbabwe is the former Southern Rhodesia.
. – Señorías, Zimbabue es la antigua Rodesia del Sur.

Synonyms (English) for "Rhodesia":
Context examples for "Rhodesia" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Rhodesia, and later Zimbabwe, were the bread basket of southern Africa.
Rodesia, y después Zimbabue, era la cesta de pan de África Austral.
They never wrote of the people of Rhodesia having to go hungry.
Nunca escribían sobre el hambre que tenía que pasar el pueblo de Rodesia.
This, of course, is what Rhodesia - now Zimbabwe - successfully did.
Evidentemente, esto es lo que hizo Rodesia -hoy Zimbabue- con éxito.
(DE) Mr President, back when I was a child, I received letters from what was then Rhodesia.
(DE) Señor Presidente, cuando yo era niño, recibía cartas procedentes de lo que antes era Rodesia.
. – Ladies and gentlemen, Zimbabwe is the former Southern Rhodesia.
. – Señorías, Zimbabue es la antigua Rodesia del Sur.
. – Ladies and gentlemen, Zimbabwe is the former Southern Rhodesia.
. – Señorías, Zimbabue es la antigua Rodesia del Sur.
In the precedents of South Africa, Kenya, Rhodesia and the Middle East, no such preconditions were made.
En los precedentes de Sudáfrica, Kenia, Rodesia y Oriente Próximo, no se pusieron esas condiciones previas.
I was in what was then Rhodesia in the 1960s and there was a great deal of injustice in that country at that time.
Yo estuve en lo que entonces era Rhodesia en los años sesenta y había mucha injusticia en ese país en aquella época.
In later years, the slogan was turned around to make a double-edged joke: 'Come to Zimbabwe and see the ruins of Rhodesia'.
En los últimos años, dicho eslogan se ha convertido en una broma de doble sentido: "Venga a Zimbabue y vea las ruinas de Rodesia".
(DE) Mr President, in the old Rhodesia there used to be a tourism poster urging people to 'Come to Rhodesia and see the ruins of Zimbabwe'.
(DE) Señor Presidente, en la antigua Rodesia solía verse un cartel turístico que anunciaba "Venga a Rodesia y vea las ruinas de Zimbabue".
Round about the same time - in 1979 - Rhodesia, as it was still called, made elephants the property of whoever's land they were roaming on.
En la misma época, en 1979, el país que entonces se denominaba Rodesia convirtió a los elefantes en propiedad del país en cuyas tierras se encontraran.
As the previous speaker just said, there was a time when Southern Rhodesia or today’s Zimbabwe was the bread-basket of a large part of Africa.
Como ha afirmado la oradora que acaba de intervenir, hubo un tiempo en que Rodesia del Sur o el actual Zimbabue era el granero de una gran parte de África.
As the previous speaker just said, there was a time when Southern Rhodesia or today ’ s Zimbabwe was the bread-basket of a large part of Africa.
Como ha afirmado la oradora que acaba de intervenir, hubo un tiempo en que Rodesia del Sur o el actual Zimbabue era el granero de una gran parte de África.
. – MrPresident, a legacy of colonial Southern Rhodesia is that much of the Zimbabwean farmland is in the hands of a small group of farmers of European origin.
. – Señor Presidente, un legado de la Rodesia del Sur colonial es que las tierras de labranza de Zimbabue están en manos de un pequeño grupo de agricultores de origen europeo.
. – Mr President, a legacy of colonial Southern Rhodesia is that much of the Zimbabwean farmland is in the hands of a small group of farmers of European origin.
Para Mugabe, la expropiación de grandes haciendas es ahora principalmente un instrumento para recompensar a sus antiguos seguidores en la lucha por la libertad después de décadas de retraso.
(NL) Mr President, sanctions were a suitable instrument to gradually put an end to the worst forms of colonial rule and to apartheid in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia.
(NL) Señor Presidente, las sanciones han sido un instrumento apropiado para poner fin gradualmente a las peores formas de gobierno colonial y al apartheid en Sudáfrica y Rodesia del Sur.