
"revenge" in Spanish

Then we stay trapped in an infernal cycle with a spirit of revenge and domination.
Permanecemos atrapados en este ciclo infernal de venganza y dominación.
Yet the leading tendency is antidemocratic and thirsting for revenge.
Sin embargo, la tendencia dominante es antidemocrática y hay un afán de venganza.
All the terrorists wanted to attain was chaos and unreasoning revenge.
Los terroristas sólo anhelaban el caos y la venganza irracional.
This is an act of revenge by the European nations on the ideological and irresponsible Eurocrats in Brussels.
Es la revancha de los pueblos europeos contra los eurócratas ideológicos e irresponsables de Bruselas.
I cannot, however, under any circumstances accept revenge policies, excommunications and witch hunts.
Sin embargo, no puedo aceptar bajo ninguna circunstancia políticas de revancha, excomuniones y cazas de brujas.
Behind this they think: " nature is taking revenge" and "a judgment is coming" it may even be the last judgment.
La idea subyacente lleva al ser humano a volver sobre la noción de "una revancha de la naturaleza".
I'll get my revenge in this game
esta partida será el desquite
vindicación{f} [form.] (venganza)
The United Left has launched an attack on Berlusconi and taken its revenge on him.
La izquierda unida ha lanzado un ataque contra Berlusconi y se ha vengado de él.
in revenge for the death of his father
para vengar la muerte de su padre
I'll revenge myself on him for what he's done
me voy a vengar de él por lo que ha hecho

Synonyms (English) for "revenge":
Context examples for "revenge" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I cannot, however, under any circumstances accept revenge policies, excommunications and witch hunts.
Los inversores éticos son castigados, porque son víctimas de la competencia desleal.
Full of hatred, they look for revenge when they are being put down.
Cuando le aplastan, intenta vengarse con sentimientos de odio.
By the way, as Mrs Trautmann said, what is at stake is our ability to tame our instincts for revenge.
Pensando en todas esas personas, me digo hoy que debemos reflexionar.
Hamas has now been given a new martyr and thousands of people burning with the desire for revenge.
El Grupo ELDR condena de la forma más rotunda posible la actuación de los terroristas suicidas.
When you deprive people of their legitimate right to have a say in their future, they will take revenge.
Cuando a la gente se le priva de su legítimo derecho a opinar sobre su futuro, acaba vengándose.
Greed will bring its own revenge in that the system will be made expensive and will be slow to establish itself.
La avaricia en las ventas se traduce en carestía del sistema y en demora de la puesta a punto.
There are going to be armed men who are out for revenge and seeking to provoke, ready to shoot at anyone.
Habrán hombres armados, de actitudes vengativas y provocadoras, dispuestos a disparar contra quien sea.
Russia will successfully exploit Western credulity, it craves revenge against the West wherever that is possible.
Rusia conseguirá aprovechar la credulidad Occidental, ansía vengarse de Occidente, donde sea posible.
he will not stop until his desire for revenge is satisfied
no parará hasta saciar su deseo de venganza
One might have expected something else in an area where we are working to counteract revenge and the settling of scores.
Se han formulado preguntas, especialmente por parte del señor Von Wogau, sobre la estructura de mando.
he will not stop until his desire for revenge is sated
no parará hasta saciar su deseo de venganza
I'm going to get my revenge on him for being a traitor
a ese lo tengo sentenciado por traicionero
I couldn't resist the temptation to take revenge
no pude resistir la tentación de vengarme
They are trying to regroup, taking revenge in Afghanistan for the defeat they have suffered and are still suffering in Iraq.
Están tratando de reagruparse allí, vengándose de la derrota que han sufrido y que siguen sufriendo en Iraq.
I'll revenge myself on him for what he's done
me voy a vengar de él por lo que ha hecho
he didn't do it out of any desire for revenge
lo hizo sin ningún espíritu de revancha
So now the European Parliament is trying to take revenge and sneak in the use of EU symbols by the back door.
Así que ahora el Parlamento Europeo está intentado vengarse e introducir sigilosamente por la puerta de atrás los símbolos de la UE.
Nature warns but also takes its revenge.
La naturaleza avisa y a veces se venga.
in revenge for the death of his father
como venganza por la muerte de su padre
In the cities and in the countryside, violence is ever-present, with an endless sequence of acts of revenge and terrorism.
Tanto en las ciudades como en el campo, la violencia está siempre presente, con su cortejo de ajustes de cuentas y de terror.