
"repetidamente" in English

"repetidamente" in English
Ha solicitado repetidamente medidas severas para combatir todos estos asesinatos.
It has repeatedly demanded harsh measures to combat all these murderers.
He defendido repetidamente la necesidad de que haya una directiva horizontal.
I have repeatedly supported the need for there to be a horizontal directive.
El Parlamento ha solicitado repetidamente la integración del FEDER en el Presupuesto.
Parliament has repeatedly called for the EDF to be integrated into the budget.
¡La tantas veces repetida excusa de que resulta demasiado caro reducir las emisiones es suicida!
The oft-repeated excuse that reducing emission levels is too expensive is suicidal.
Quiero cuestionar una opinión que hoy ha sido muy repetida.
I want to challenge one sentiment that has been repeated several times today.
La historia ignorada se convierte en historia repetida.
History ignored becomes history repeated.

Context examples for "repetidamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
situaciones de emergencia y precariedad, y repetidamente desarrolladas con la
initiated by those who sought to be genuinely helpful in the pastoral moment,
Brok y yo lo hemos señalado repetidamente en la Conferencia Intergubernamental.
Mr Brok and I stressed this several times at the Intergovernmental Conference.
Esto es sumamente importante y ya lo hemos hecho repetidamente con éxito en el pasado.
That is extremely important. We have always done it successfully in the past.
Los informes de la Comisión lo han demostrado repetidamente en el pasado.
The Commission' s reports in the past have shown us that over and over again.
Falconer solicita repetidamente la palabra)
(During the vote on the amendments, Mr Falconer requested the floor several times)
¿Qué ocurre con la política energética, que todos hemos debatido enérgica y repetidamente?
What about energy policy, which we have fought for tooth and nail time and again?
Cada vez que presiona repetidamente un número, aparece un carácter distinto.
With each repeated press of a number, a different character appears.
En el debate han manifestado repetidamente su inquietud sobre la calidad de los trabajos.
In your debate you often expressed your worries concerning quality jobs.
Usted ha subrayado este concepto de modo rotundo y repetidamente, también hoy.
This means that, with your candidacy, you wish to help politicise the political life of Europe.
Los problemas del tamaño y la transparencia de las empresas ya ha sido abordado repetidamente.
The problem of the size and transparency of businesses has been touched upon many times.
Ya hemos discutido repetidamente con usted en esta Cámara sobre el aumento en la categoría 2.
We have already discussed the growth of Category 2 with you many times here in this House.
Así lo formulamos repetidamente en el círculo de insiders que nos encontramos reunidos aquí esta noche.
That is how we always describe it in the insider circle which meets here tonight.
Hemos escuchado repetidamente muchas de las viejas fórmulas ya conocidas.
We have heard many of the old familiar phrases being repeated.
(NL) Señor Presidente, la igualdad de género es un asunto que venimos tratando repetidamente en esta Cámara.
(NL) Mr President, gender equality is a regularly recurring theme in this House.
Ya se ha mencionado repetidamente la política educativa.
The policy on training has already been addressed on a number of occasions.
En China se han violado repetidamente los derechos humanos y no podemos dejar de condenarlo.
There have been recurring violations of human rights in China, and we cannot omit to condemn them.
Cuatro de cada cinco ciudadanos europeos residen en una ciudad, tal como ya se ha señalado repetidamente hoy.
As has often been pointed out, four out of five EU citizens are city-dwellers.
Allí pudimos constatar repetidamente que UNITA ha roto la paz y ha vuelto a tomar las armas.
We observed time and again that UNITA had violated the peace agreement and had taken up arms again.
Somos europeos, aunque en la contienda electoral se nos haya acusado repetidamente de no serlo.
We are Europeans, despite the repeated accusations to the contrary during the election campaign.
nos tranquilizó asegurándonos repetidamente que no habría peligro
he gave us countless reassurances that there would be no danger