
"refrescos" in English

"refrescos" in English
refrescos{masculine plural}
refrescos{masculine plural}
estos refrescos no tienen alimento ninguno
these soft drinks have no nutritional value
Considero terrorífico que el acetato de medroxiprogesterona esté presente en el jarabe de azúcar y en los refrescos.
I find it absolutely horrifying that metroxyprogesteronacetate is present in sugar syrup and soft drinks!
Creo que una buena forma de hacerlo es instar a los supermercados y establecimientos a que separen mejor los alcopops de los refrescos.
I believe that a good way to do this is to encourage supermarkets and shops to better separate alcopops from soft drinks.
cordial{noun} (soft drink)
fizz{noun} (fizzy drink)
mixer{noun} (drink)
soda{noun} [Amer.] (flavored)
soda pop{noun} [Amer.]
refresco de cola
cola drink
Asimismo, parte del jarabe acabó en fábricas de refrescos.
Some of the syrup, too, ended up with soft drink manufacturers.
Europa no es un refresco o una comida para perros, se apoya en una realidad social, cultural e histórica, ¿o no?
Europe is not a product like a soft drink or dog food; unless I am very much mistaken, it has evolved from a social, cultural and historical base.
Asimismo, parte del jarabe acabó en fábricas de refrescos.
Some of the syrup, too, ended up with soft drink manufacturers.
Europa no es un refresco o una comida para perros, se apoya en una realidad social, cultural e histórica, ¿o no?
Europe is not a product like a soft drink or dog food; unless I am very much mistaken, it has evolved from a social, cultural and historical base.

Context examples for "refrescos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La cafeína se encuentra presente en el café, el té, los refrescos de cola y el cacao.
The first is because it may be beneficial for asthmatics to take caffeine in order to relieve the symptoms of asthma.
estos refrescos no tienen alimento ninguno
these soft drinks have no nutritional value
También en este aspecto intentamos ser coherentes al garantizar asistencia y comidas, refrescos, opciones alternativas de viaje y alojamiento, en caso necesario.
Here, too, we are trying to be consistent, by guaranteeing assistance and offering meals, refreshments, alternative travel options and overnight stays, if necessary.
Asimismo, ¿debería establecerse una distinción clara entre la cerveza y los refrescos alcohólicos, es decir, entre un producto natural saludable y un montón de basura?
In addition, should a sharper distinction perhaps be drawn between beer and alcopops - that is to say, between a healthy natural product and a load of rubbish?
Quiero decir que hay que gravar los refrescos alcohólicos y las mezclas preparadas porque éstos son los productos con los que los jóvenes se inician en el alcohol.
I believe that alcoholic lemonades, the ready-made mixed beverages should also be subject to taxation because these products can encourage young people in particular to consume more alcohol.
Bébéar, apoyada por la penúltima oradora, sobre los posibles peligros de las nuevas bebidas alcohólicas, los llamados refrescos alcohólicos.
I am prepared to accept Mr Bébéar's amendment, supported by the last speaker but one, with regard to the possible dangers of the new alcoholic beverages, the so-called alcopops.
Anoche en el Comité de Presupuestos cuando se repartieron los refrescos, el Sr.
Last night in the Committee on Budgets when the refreshments were being distributed, Mr Colom pointed out that the small cartons of milk were marked " for distribution in schools only ".