
"reference laboratory" in Spanish

"reference laboratory" in English
This animal disease laboratory is used by the Commission as a reference laboratory.
La Comisión tiene este laboratorio de enfermedades animales como laboratorio de referencia.
Madam President, I would like to pay tribute to the work which was done by a very fine reference laboratory in Torry in Aberdeen in Scotland.
Señora Presidenta, quisiera rendir homenaje a la labor realizada por un excelente laboratorio de referencia en Torry, Aberdeen (Escocia).
In fact within that ministry the reference laboratory in Torry had the best record in attracting joint funding from the European Commission.
En realidad, en el mencionado Ministerio el laboratorio de referencia de Torry ha sido el que más ha contribuido a la obtención de financiación conjunta de la Comisión Europea.

Context examples for "reference laboratory" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This animal disease laboratory is used by the Commission as a reference laboratory.
La Comisión tiene este laboratorio de enfermedades animales como laboratorio de referencia.
Madam President, I would like to pay tribute to the work which was done by a very fine reference laboratory in Torry in Aberdeen in Scotland.
Señora Presidenta, quisiera rendir homenaje a la labor realizada por un excelente laboratorio de referencia en Torry, Aberdeen (Escocia).
In future, it will only inform Parliament when a Member State wants to change the address of the national reference laboratory.
En el futuro, se limitará a informar al Parlamento cuando únicamente se solicite un cambio en la dirección de los laboratorios nacionales de referencia.
For this purpose, every Member State has to designate a national reference laboratory which is responsible, in particular, for the control of marine biotoxins.
Cada Estado miembro debe designar con este objeto un laboratorio nacional de referencia, competente en particular para el control de biotoxinas marinas.
In fact within that ministry the reference laboratory in Torry had the best record in attracting joint funding from the European Commission.
En realidad, en el mencionado Ministerio el laboratorio de referencia de Torry ha sido el que más ha contribuido a la obtención de financiación conjunta de la Comisión Europea.
This establishment is an EU reference laboratory which is supposed to protect our animals from contagious diseases and not to cause epidemics through incompetence.
Dicha institución es un laboratorio de referencia de la UE que debía proteger a nuestros animales de enfermedades contagiosas y no causar epidemias debido a su falta de profesionalidad.