
"red social" in English

"red social" in English
Comparta Dralion por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share Dralion by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta Mystère por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share Mystère by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta Varekai por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita!
Share Varekai by email or to your favorite social network.
Orkut es una red social que lleva el nombre del ingeniero de Google que lo creó: Orkut Buyukkokten.
Orkut is a social networking site named after the Google engineer who initially developed it, Orkut Buyukkokten.

Context examples for "red social" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A nivel nacional, la economía y la red de apoyo social se resienten cada vez más.
We can see how, at the national level, the economy and foundations of society are weakening.
La gran mayoría de inmigrantes crea su propia red social y no se integra en la sociedad.
The bulk of immigrants create their own social networks without integrating into society.
Sin embargo, no deben ser entendidas como reducciones y recortes a la red social.
But they should not be viewed simply in terms of reducing or axing parts of the social security net.
Comparta Quidam por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Young Zoé is bored; her parents, distant and apathetic, ignore her.
Comparta Dralion por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share Dralion by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta Mystère por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share Mystère by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta TOTEM por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Your own VIP suite for you and your guests to enjoy an hour before the show and during intermission.
Comparta Varekai por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita!
Share Varekai by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta Quidam por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share Quidam by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta KOOZA por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share KOOZA by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta TOTEM por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share TOTEM by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta OVO por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Share OVO by email or to your favorite social network.
Comparta OVO por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Creating an organic space and interpreting nature.
Orkut es una red social que lleva el nombre del ingeniero de Google que lo creó: Orkut Buyukkokten.
Orkut is a social networking site named after the Google engineer who initially developed it, Orkut Buyukkokten.
Comparta TOTEM por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Tyler Risk, Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:42 AM.
Cuando los ciudadanos europeos utilizan Twitter, expresan su conformidad con la política de privacidad de esa red social.
When European citizens use Twitter, they express their consent to Twitter's privacy policy.
necesidad de una atención pastoral específica, mediante una adecuada red de asistencia social.
through an appropriate network of social assistance. In this regard, he showed
Para establecer una red de seguridad social, hemos sido audaces e imaginativos en nuestras reformas económicas.
In order to provide a social safety net, we have been aggressive and imaginative in our economic reforms.
Comparta OVO por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
Complicity with the world of insects.
Comparta Dralion por correo electrónico o en su red social favorita.
A graduate of the École nationale de théâtre du Canada (production) in 1983, Sylvie Galarneau studied also music for four years.