
"recurrente" in English

"recurrente" in English
recurrente{adjective masculine/feminine}
"recurrente" in Spanish
appellant{noun} [idiom]
recurrente{adjective masculine/feminine}
El tema se ha convertido en un elemento recurrente en la agenda del Parlamento Europeo.
The subject has now become a recurrent item on the agenda of the European Parliament.
Se trata de un problema recurrente, que no dejaré de comunicar a la Conferencia de Presidentes.
This is a recurrent problem, and I shall certainly inform the Conference of Presidents.
En el pasado, la protección de los datos personales ha constituido un problema recurrente.
In the past, personal data protection has been a recurrent issue.
Ese ha sido un tema recurrente en los debates celebrados esta tarde en la Cámara.
This has been something of a recurring theme of the discussions in the Chamber this afternoon.
Antes que nada mencionaré la cuestión recurrente de la comitología.
I must first mention the recurring question of comitology.
Señor Presidente, este debate institucional es recurrente.
Mr President, this is a recurring institutional debate.
recurring{vb} (problem, theme, symptom, dream)
Señor Presidente, este debate institucional es recurrente.
Mr President, this is a recurring institutional debate.
Señor Presidente, este es un debate recurrente en el Parlamento.
Mr President, this is a recurring debate in Parliament.
Antes que nada mencionaré la cuestión recurrente de la comitología.
I must first mention the recurring question of comitology.
recurrente{adj. m/f}
The subject has now become a recurrent item on the agenda of the European Parliament.
El tema se ha convertido en un elemento recurrente en la agenda del Parlamento Europeo.
This is a recurrent problem, and I shall certainly inform the Conference of Presidents.
Se trata de un problema recurrente, que no dejaré de comunicar a la Conferencia de Presidentes.
In the past, personal data protection has been a recurrent issue.
En el pasado, la protección de los datos personales ha constituido un problema recurrente.
iterativo{adj.} (tema)

Synonyms (English) for "recurrent":
Context examples for "recurrente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Padecemos ese recurrente problema de administración, que debemos solventar de una vez.
We have this recurring problem of administration, which we must get to grips with.
Es una muestra de que somos conscientes de lo recurrente que es este tema.
It is testimony to the fact that we are aware of how topical this issue is.
Ese ha sido un tema recurrente en los debates celebrados esta tarde en la Cámara.
This has been something of a recurring theme of the discussions in the Chamber this afternoon.
Este fue un problema siempre recurrente durante mi legislatura.
This was a continuous problem, raised time and again with me by my constituents.
A mí me gustaría recordar que el asunto del que tratamos hoy es ya viejo, es un tema recurrente.
I would like to remind you that the issue we are dealing with today is an old one.
¿Qué decir entonces sobre la propuesta recurrente de compartir los gastos?
So what about the recurring proposal that costs should be shared?
Siria es un punto permanentemente recurrente de nuestro orden del día.
author. - (NL) Syria is a permanently recurring item on our agenda.
Éste es un tema recurrente en la modernización de la vida laboral.
That is the recurring theme if you want to modernize working life.
Es una petición y una reclamación recurrente de los consumidores.
This is a request and complaint that consumers are always making.
La úlcera de la pierna es una enfermedad frecuente, crónica y recurrente.
Leg ulceration is a common, chronic, recurring condition.
Se trata de un problema recurrente tanto en la UE como en Portugal.
This is a recurring problem both in the EU and in Portugal.
Antes que nada mencionaré la cuestión recurrente de la comitología.
I must first mention the recurring question of comitology.
También quiero hacer hincapié en la existencia de un tema recurrente entre todos estos Estados miembros.
I would also like to emphasise that there is a recurring theme among all these Member States.
el paisaje es un motivo recurrente en los impresionistas
landscapes are a recurring motif in the work of the Impressionists
Creo que esto plantea una serie de cuestiones importantes, ya que al parecer es un problema recurrente.
I think that this raises a number of important questions, as it seems to be a recurring problem.
Es una idea recurrente, e Irak es un nuevo ejemplo.
This observation is made repeatedly and Iraq is further proof of it.
Señor Presidente, este es un debate recurrente en el Parlamento.
Mr President, this is a recurring debate in Parliament.
(ES) Señora Presidenta, el tema de los servicios sanitarios es recurrente en los debates del Parlamento Europeo.
(ES) Madam President, health services form a recurring topic in European Parliament debates.
Sin embargo, sólo se ha convertido en recurrente en los últimos años, con la ampliación de la Unión Europea.
However, it has only become topical in recent years, with the enlargement of the European Union.
Este es un problema recurrente que presenciamos no por primera o segunda, sino por tercera vez.
This is a recurring problem, which we are witnessing not for the first or second time, but for the third time.