
"reciprocating" in Spanish

"reciprocating" in Spanish
to reciprocate{intransitive verb}
Madam President, I would firstly like to reciprocate the thanks and praise expressed by the rapporteur.
Señora Presidenta, ante todo yo quiero corresponder al agradecimiento y los elogios del señor Ponente.
It is a pity that Parliament could not reciprocate with an equivalent level of attendance.
Es una pena que el Parlamento no haya correspondido con una afluencia equivalente.
It would therefore be unfair if our Polish friends did not reciprocate with a similar gesture.
Sería injusto por lo tanto que nuestros amigos polacos no correspondiesen con un gesto similar.
Although he offered me that invitation to come back because all is forgiven, I regret to say that I cannot reciprocate.
A pesar de que me ha invitado a regresar después de haberme perdonado todo, lamento no poder corresponder a dicha invitación.
We certainly cannot accept that but, on the other hand, the Eastern Partnership appears to be a way to reciprocate the Russian policy on its neighbourhood.
No cabe duda de que no lo podemos consentir pero, por otro lado, la Asociación Oriental parece ser un modo de corresponder a la política de Rusia respecto a sus vecinos.
reciprocar {vb} [LAm.]
to reciprocate an invitation
reciprocar una invitación
reciprocar {vb} [LAm.]
to reciprocate an invitation
reciprocar una invitación

Context examples for "reciprocating" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Now I am reciprocating as shadow for his report.
Ahora actúo en reciprocidad como sombra para este informe.
knife head of reciprocating blade slicers
rebanadoras de cuchilla de vaivén
We therefore call on the Commission to make it a priority to express its rejection of these measures and to also consider the option of reciprocating.
De modo que invitamos a la Comisión a priorizar la expresión de rechazo a este asunto y a contemplar también la opción de la reciprocidad.