
"quarries" in Spanish

"quarries" in Spanish
canteras{f pl}
As someone has already pointed out in this debate, not all quarries that are extractive industries are the same.
Como ya ha apuntado alguien en este debate, no todas las canteras que son industrias extractivas son iguales.
Who has not seen the open wounds in the landscape caused by the quarries that supply us with such valuable materials?
¿Quién no ha visto las llagas abiertas en el paisaje que representan las canteras, que sin embargo nos abastecen de materiales tan útiles?
Moreover, we have stipulated that this applies solely to plant, mines and quarries which are in operation and not to mere storage areas.
Por otra parte, hemos precisado que nos referimos únicamente a las instalaciones o minas o canteras en activo y no a los simples almacenes.
quarry(also: pit)
It is, but we must resist the tendency to use this Budget as a quarry for the new tasks that are to come.
Lo es, pero tenemos que evitar la tendencia a recurrir a él como cantera para financiar las nuevas tareas que irán surgiendo.
Mr President, this is the second time today that we have discussed mining and quarrying.
Señor Presidente, esta es la segunda vez en este día que debatimos sobre minas y canteras.
As someone has already pointed out in this debate, not all quarries that are extractive industries are the same.
Como ya ha apuntado alguien en este debate, no todas las canteras que son industrias extractivas son iguales.

Synonyms (English) for "quarry":
Context examples for "quarries" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
However, we should no more subsidise the very existence of farms than we should subsidise factories, quarries or coal mines.
En todo caso, quisiera decir que es importante que la Presidencia trate al menos de limitar las repercusiones adversas de sus propuestas.
In quarries six miles apart, one in Dundalk and the other in Newry, a European directive is being implemented differently in two Member States.
Pienso que es algo que va a ocurrir también con esta y los propietarios de las industrias extractivas no están nada contentos al respecto.