
"propinas" in English

"propinas" in English
propinas{feminine plural}
propinar{transitive verb}
propinas{feminine plural}
Les damos las propinas que solemos dar al que no limpia las lunas.
What we give them are the tips we give someone who cleans our windows.
redondeaba su sueldo con las propinas
she supplemented her salary with tips
hicieron un pozo para las propinas
all their tips went into a kitty
to deliver[delivered · delivered] {v.t.} (administer)
Volver la espalda a este problema supondría propinar un duro golpe a las importantes causas por las que luchamos aquí a menudo como la democracia, la libertad y la justicia.
To turn our backs on this matter would deliver a serious blow to the important causes we often champion here of democracy, freedom and social justice.
Les damos las propinas que solemos dar al que no limpia las lunas.
What we give them are the tips we give someone who cleans our windows.
Las elecciones europeas han propinado los necesarios y sonoros bofetones: la Presidencia del Consejo saliente no ha sido «top», sino «plofp».
The European elections gave the necessary resounding slap in the face: The outgoing Council Presidency was a flop, not a success.
Las elecciones europeas han propinado los necesarios y sonoros bofetones: la Presidencia del Consejo saliente no ha sido« top», sino« plofp».
The European elections gave the necessary resounding slap in the face: The outgoing Council Presidency was a flop, not a success.
Les damos las propinas que solemos dar al que no limpia las lunas.
What we give them are the tips we give someone who cleans our windows.
Los exámenes incluían una prueba de natación y otra de remo, aunque me temo que era costumbre darle propina al hombre que llevaba los remos para que remara en lugar del aspirante a marino.
The tests included a swimming test and a rowing test, although I am afraid that it was customary to tip the man holding the oars so that he rowed instead of the aspiring sailor.

Context examples for "propinas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
daba propinas con largueza
he tipped very generously
no se admiten propinas
no gratuities accepted
no se admiten propinas
no tipping allowed