
"productivamente" in English

"productivamente" in English
productiva{adjective feminine}
productively{adv.} (work, function)
Ya tenemos algunas grandes explotaciones que trabajan productivamente.
We already have a number of large farms that are working productively.
Esta experiencia subraya la importancia de aprovechar lo más rigurosa y productivamente posible los recursos de que ahora dispone la Comunidad.
This experience underlines the importance of using the resources which the Community now has available as rigorously and productively as possible.
En Lituania, 39 pueblos y regiones están cooperando productivamente con pueblos y regiones belarusas, intercambiando experiencias y participando en proyectos conjuntos.
In Lithuania, 39 towns and regions are cooperating productively with Belarusian towns and regions, exchanging experience and participating in joint projects.
productiva{adjective feminine}
Cualquier apoyo a la inversión productiva tiene que contemplarse en ese contexto.
Any support for productive investment has to be seen in that context.
También necesitamos la colaboración productiva entre las diferentes partes implicadas.
We also need productive cooperation between the various stakeholders.
En nombre del Parlamento Europeo, les deseo una reunión fructífera y productiva.
On behalf of the European Parliament, I wish them a fruitful and productive meeting.

Context examples for "productivamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ya tenemos algunas grandes explotaciones que trabajan productivamente.
By no means should successful integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures be slowed down.