
"problema de salud" in English

"problema de salud" in English
Es fundamental recordar que se trata, ante todo, de un problema de salud pública.
It is essential to point out that this involves, first and foremost, a health problem.
Nos movemos en la dirección equivocada y estamos creando un problema de salud.
We are moving in the wrong direction and we are creating a health problem.
Existe un problema de salud pública de la máxima importancia.
There is a public health problem of the highest importance.

Similar translations for "problema de salud" in English
Context examples for "problema de salud" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Iría usted a Tanzania, señor Presidente, si tuviera un grave problema de salud?
Would you go to Tanzania, Mr President, if you had a serious health problem?
Tenemos aquí un verdadero problema de salud que debemos regular sin el menor retraso.
We have here a real health issue, which we must regulate as quickly as possible.
Es fundamental recordar que se trata, ante todo, de un problema de salud pública.
It is essential to point out that this involves, first and foremost, a health problem.
Nos movemos en la dirección equivocada y estamos creando un problema de salud.
We are moving in the wrong direction and we are creating a health problem.
Hemos de hacer frente a un verdadero problema de salud pública y a una crisis económica.
In fact, we are up against a real public health problem and an economic crisis.
- teniendo en cuenta que el dopaje es básicamente un problema de salud pública;
- taking account of the fact that the issue of doping is primarily a public health issue,
Una persona de cada cuatro tendrá a lo largo de su vida un problema de salud mental.
One out of every four people will suffer from a mental health problem during their life.
La infección por virus de la hepatitis B es un grave problema de salud mundial.
Hepatitis B virus infection is a serious health problem worldwide.
El accidente cerebrovascular es un importante problema de salud pública.
Have your say!'Your views on The Cochrane Library: survey' Stroke is a public health problem.
¿Queremos tratar en realidad este problema como un problema de salud pública o como un negocio?
Do we actually want to treat this problem as a public health problem or as a business?
Esto implica un serio problema de salud conocido como autointoxicación o envenenamiento a uno mismo.
This creates a serious health issue known as auto-intoxication or self-poisoning.
A nuestro juicio, es especialmente hoy día un problema de salud pública.
In our opinion, this is now, above all, a problem of public health.
Comisario es especialmente sensible a este problema de salud pública.
This element of the report also demonstrates the position that we intend to give sweeteners in food.
En resumen, discrepo de la opinión de la Comisaria de que se trata de un problema de salud pública.
In conclusion, I disagree with the Commissioner that this is a public health problem.
Uno de cada cuatro europeos sufre, al menos una vez en su vida, algún problema de salud mental.
One in four Europeans suffers from mental health problems at least once during their life.
La ponente está proponiendo soluciones que no corresponden a ningún problema de salud y de seguridad.
She is proposing solutions for which there is no health and safety problem.
Dicha emisión plantea un problema de salud y, por tanto, un problema para Irlanda.
This is a health issue and consequently an Irish one.
Una de dos, o bien hay un problema de salud pública o bien no lo hay, pero si lo hay, afecta a toda Europa.
It is an either/or situation: either there is a public health problem or there is not.
La insuficiencia cardiaca es un problema de salud cada vez más frecuente.
Heart failure is a common and growing health problem.
Es importante porque, en un momento dado, uno de cada siete de nosotros tiene un problema de salud mental.
It is important because one in seven of us have a mental health problem at any one time.