
"privadamente" in English

"privadamente" in English
privada{adjective feminine}
Se puede ofrecer una parte de ella privadamente.
Part of it can be supplied privately.
La Comisión nunca ha vacilado en manifestar pública y privadamente nuestras críticas por las deficiencias de China en materia de derechos humanos.
The Commission has never hesitated to express our criticisms, both publicly and privately, of China's lapses on human rights.
privada{adjective feminine}
Es fundamental promover la cofinanciación privada de los proyectos individuales.
It is essential to promote private cofinancing at project level.
Sin embargo, esta reclasificación requiere una mayor inversión pública y privada.
However, reclassification requires increased public and private investment.
Constituye una catastrófica violación de la propiedad privada individual.
It is a catastrophic violation of individual private property.

Context examples for "privadamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quisiera que la Comisión garantizase que las normas que se contienen en este documento jamás, bajo ningún concepto, se aplicarán a la carne que privadamente consumen los propios cazadores.
I should like a guarantee from the Commission that under absolutely no circumstances will the rules in this document apply to meat consumed by people for their own household needs.