
"presupposition" in Spanish

"presupposition" in Spanish
One of them is the presupposition that a central bank that endeavours to keep prices stable must,, also be making the best possible contribution to full employment and growth.
Una de ellas es la presunción de que un banco central que se esfuerza por mantener estables los precios tiene que realizar, a priori, la mejor contribución posible al pleno empleo y al crecimiento.
One of them is the presupposition that a central bank that endeavours to keep prices stable must, , also be making the best possible contribution to full employment and growth.
Una de ellas es la presunción de que un banco central que se esfuerza por mantener estables los precios tiene que realizar, a priori, la mejor contribución posible al pleno empleo y al crecimiento.

Context examples for "presupposition" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They had, they said, voted for the law at that time only on the presupposition that it really only applied to football hooligans, and not to people who wanted to express their political views.
Habían aprobado la ley entonces porque suponían que sólo se aplicaría a los hooligans, no a gente que desease manifestar su opinión política.
Even though the preparatory work has got underway too late, the elections should be held as soon as possible, on the presupposition that they will reinforce the stabilisation process.
Aunque los preparativos se han realizado demasiado tarde, las elecciones deberían celebrarse lo antes posible, porque suponemos que reforzarán el proceso de estabilización.