
"pecas" in English

"pecas" in English
pecas{feminine plural}
pecas{feminine plural}
¡cuántas pecas tienes!
what a lot of freckles you have!
tiene pecas
he has freckles
to sin {vb}
¿No es pecar de engreídos?
Would this not be a sin of conceit?
En la visita a las Entidades encontraréis también pecado e infidelidad.
During you visit to the Entities, you will also find sin and infidelity.
pecar de pensamiento, palabra y obra
to sin in thought, word and deed
No importa si ella ha pecado voluntariamente o involuntariamente o si ha sido violada.
It makes no great difference whether she has transgressed voluntarily or against her will, that is to say been raped.
¡No desesperéis de la misericordia de Dios: ciertamente, Dios perdona todos los pecados --pues, en verdad, sólo Él es indulgente, dispensador de gracia
Who have acted extravagantly (transgressed) against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives all faults; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "pecar":
Context examples for "pecas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tú no pecas de generosidad precisamente
you're not exactly overgenerous
¡cuántas pecas tienes!
what a lot of freckles you have!
tiene pecas
he has freckles